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-Assess and Match Travel

Destination Suitable for

How to Assess and Match Travel Destination
Suitable for Travelers

1. Transportation
2. Infrastructure
3. Attraction
4. Hospitality
A traveler can be categorized into three (3) types based on their
buying capacity and attitude towards travel.

1. Budget Traveler – One who travels without a stable source of income or

merely relies on his/her parents‘ income such as students and free lancers.

2. Regular Traveler – One who is an average earner with stable job but with
limited time for traveling since he/she is holding vital responsibilities in the
workplace and just chooses to travel shortly to escape from the stressful

3. High-End Traveler – This type of traveler already has a stable economic

status and luxury of material resources; usually retiree or owner of his/her
established business.
Destination Evaluation
1. Accessibility – Were there any distractions that led you to consume longer
time in moving from one place to another like traffic or road constructions?

2. Comfort and Convenience – Did the local staffs and private personnel of
establishments assist you willingly?

3. Education and Entertainment – Did you learn new things from your
travel? Did these experiences bring you fulfillment, relaxation, and delight?

4. Service, Safety and Security – Did the trip met your expectation as
leisure/business traveler? Did you feel the safety and belongingness in the
places you visited?
How to Assess and Match Travel Destination
Suitable for Travelers
1. Assess the traveler’s personality before giving a recommendation.
This helps you give better recommendation that matches the
traveler’s personality.
2. Consider their budget.
3. Determine the traveler’s motives to avoid encountering problems.
4. Learn how to handle unforeseeable such as flight cancellations,
weather changes or problems at a destination location.
5. Ask questions and provide information to help the traveler decide

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