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The font of the poster is
intentional to represent the time
period in which the film is set.
The reason for using said font, is
because the design has olden
connotations, due to the flicks
attached. This feature also helps
to reinforce the fact that it is
fantasy based film.
They have used an intertexual
reference to Wilhelm and Jacob
Grimm, more commonly known
as “The Brothers Grimm”, who
wrote “Children’s or household
Tales or Grimm’s Fairy Tales”.
These fairytales which famously
“Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel,
Cinderella, Little Red Riding
Hood, and Sleeping Beauty”,
amongst many others.
Which throughout the whole film
there are references to many of
these stories.
By including the main actors
names at the top of the poster it
lets the audience know straight
away who is in the film.
By having them in capital letters it
helps to make them stand out and
more visible in the poster. It could
be considered that by having them
in capital letters it also draws the
viewers attention and thus use it as
a ploy to attract potential
They have included the director’s
name, Terry Gilliam, above the title
of the film. One issue is that the
font’s size and layout makes it very
difficult to read. The reason for
this could be due to fact this was
his comeback film as he hadn’t
directed a film since 1998,
therefore, they did not want to
make it too prominent on the
poster. However, they still decided
to feature his name in an attempt
to draw in a greater audience.
To additionally represent that it is set
in the olden day, there is the use of
the letter which is in the foreground
of the poster. The fact that it states
“No curse we can’t reverse, no spell
we can’t break, no demon we can’t
It could be considered that people do
not speak like this anymore.
Additionally the use of the seal on the
letter indicates that it is also an
historical film as people no longer
use these wax seals to seal/enclose

To incorporate the letter into the

picture and to make it interact with
the characters and make it feel
involved in the poster, they’ve got
one of the main characters holding it
by the lower right hand corner.
This will then indicate to the
audience that it is these two
characters who are the
Even though these are famous real life
people, the use of the letter is placed in
the poster to indicate to the audience
this is base plot for this film.
Interestingly, this is also an effective
way of telling the audience that it is a
fantasy film, rather than being a
biographical film of their lives.

Then to reinforce the concept of

being an old film, there is the use of
the tag line;
“Eliminating evil since 1812”
This then suggests the film must be
set around this time period.

At the bottom of they have

included the release date of the
film. However it could be
considered that they have made it
extremely small which would not
advertise the release date
efficiently. Whilst on the other
hand, the reason for it could be
that it did not want to ruin the
effect of the poster, so decided to
make it unobtrusive.
Having Matt Damon’s character
image bigger within the poster,
was an intentional ploy to attract
attention. This was because he
was the larger and more
successful star when this film was
released. By having his face more
prominent within the picture,
compared to Heath Ledger’s, it
would attract a larger viewing
audience as he would have a
greater fan base.
To reinforce that Matt Damon is
the greater star and character
within the film they have also
increased the brightness of his
face, which makes his face more
prominent in contrast with the
black background. This is,
compared with Heath Ledger’s
face which is of a darker shade
which as a result makes his face
appear less renowned and have a
more acute level of contrast with
the black background.
To reinforce the plot of the film they
have included some key characters and
location in the background of the
However this indicates to the audience
that even though it is based on the real
life Brothers Grimm, it is based on
Fantasy and is therefore not intended
to be realistic.
In the background of the poster there
•Their accomplice
•The evil queen
•The Wolf man
• A Fire
• The Forest
•The tower
• A flock of bird
•And a lowering sun.

All of which play a part in the film, and

are thus designed as an indication to the
audience of its content.
The outside of the images have
been feathered to make the
image in relation with the
perimeter of the poster less
drastic and more gradual.
This could be perceived to be a
form of representation, to
indicate to the audience that
this is not of a dramatic and
thriller natured film (as these
might have more sharp edges
on the poster to reflect this).
But instead that this poster is
reflecting its fantastic/fantasy
genre through these gradually
feathered edges. This
technique also gives the poster
a much more professional
This film poster coincides with
the conventions of film posters.
Which also containing all of the
necessary information needed.
It Contains:
•Film Title
•Main cast
•Tag line
•Image(s) from the film
•Release date
•Production information and
legal print.

As a whole, this poster is

very effective in promoting
the film “The Brothers
Grimm” and does an
excellent job in indicating
the audience what the film is
about in one image.

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