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Some Spiritual History of Grace

• Grace existed before the beginning of time – (2 Timothy 1:9).

• “the best” represents Jesus - (Genesis 4)
• Grace started working from the beginning of the Creation of the earth
– (Genesis 1: 1-3).
• Was the blood of Jesus working in the old testament – (Exodus 12:13).
• But the Grace was then confirmed with the offering of the body of
Christ. –(Hebrews 10:10, Matthew 26:28)
• Grace the Highest Authority and Power Created by God.
What does Grace simply means!
• Grace is a Currency given to man to bypass all the curses from God, the devil
and human curses to rather tap into the Glory of the Lord – (Exodus 12:13).
• Grace means the life of God – Titus2:11-12.
• Grace means God taking the worst out of man and giving him the best –
(Isaiah 61:3).
• Grace is a gift of God purposely for Humans – (Ephesians 2:8-9).
• Grace is the Good News – (Romans 1:16).
• Grace is the Word of God – (John 1-3).
• Grace is the light of God –(John 8:12).
• Grace is the Power of God – (2 Corinthians 12:9).
What makes the Grace alive! The Holy Spirit!
• You cannot come –John 13:33.
• What makes a person!
• He can perceive, feel, respond, he gets hurt, has the ability to love
and the ability to hate.
• He is the Power of the Godhead
• Soo focused on the Son – Ephesians 2:18
• What are we supposed to do with the Holy Spirit – 2Cori 13:14
• Your fellowship!
Holy Spirit!
• He is gentle yet Powerful
• A person who knows the presence of the Holy Spirit will always glorify
• The Helper – John 16:7
• He glorifies Jesus John 16:14
• By the Spirit we Love God - Romans 5:5
• The sons of God – Romans 8:13-14
• He's for Eternal – Hebrews 9:14
• He is Lord – 2Cor 3:17

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