Gi Presentation

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Gi, Tai Chi Ki, Prana

Prepared by Fatimah Mohammadi, Farima, Ezatullah Amiri,

Directed by Asadullah Ataei
1st Project, 4th Group, 1st Semester of Medical Technology
Date established: 14.05.1400
• The foundation of all life, of the whole
universe, is the subtle life force energy
that yogis call Gi. You can’t see it, or
touch it or taste it, but most yogis
have had an experience of Gi, the
subtle energy that flows through our
bodies. This mystical energy moves
through our bodies and animates our
every action–from gross physical
movements to minute biochemical
What is Gi?
• The Gi energy known as Chi in china, Gi in Korea, Ki in japan and Prana
in India which literally means “life force energy,” “vital energy,”
“breath of life,” “spirit-energy,” or “vital principle.” This term is used in
yogic teachings as a general reference to the manifest energy of the
entire universe. This original creative power is constantly flowing
around us and inside of us. The breath is considered to be the most
subtle form of prana in our bodies, thus it is most often described in
yoga’s breathing exercises. Prana forms the energy of our
consciousness, but it also is responsible for regulating all of our body’s
physical functions.
Functions of Gi
• Gi is the source of all movement in the
body. It regulates all of our conscious and
unconscious bodily functions like our
breath, digestion, blood flow, elimination,
and cellular growth and healing. The flow
of Gi distributes its energy through the
body based on the quality and capacity of
the chakras energy centres. Gi also
animates and affects the quality of our
thoughts, emotions, and consciousness.
Our overall health and wellbeing is tied
directly to the quantity and circulation of
Gi in our body.
Pros and Cons of Gi
• Gi is one of the essential yoga mudras among all as it is vital for
energy flow in the body, having immense health benefits and can be
practised by anyone of any age. It helps to calm mind, relieve stress,
boost energy, reduce muscle pain, improve immune system, relieve
eye problems, improve diabetes, and deal with anxiety and
• Gi is not considered to be harmful, although if it is not done correctly,
it may cause nausea feelings, stress, asthma, indigestion, depression,
instability of thoughts, headache, dizziness, and lethargy.
• Resources:

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