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Industrial Automation and Control

Technology Management
Level- V

Module tittle: Set up and adjust process control loops

2013 E.C
Learning outcome

  LO1: Prepare to tune control loop

 LO2: Tune control loop
 LO3: Completion and report control loop tuning
what is Training?
- Training is the systematic development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required by an individual to perform adequately a given task or job.
- It also a planned process to modify attitude, knowledge or skill behavior
through learning experience to achieve effective performance in an activity.
- to develop the abilities of the individual
- to satisfy current and future manpower needs of the organization
- to improve the overall performance of the organization.
trainer means: - to give teaching or practice in an act, profession, or skill
- to make ready for a test of skill
The main task of a trainer is to train. It is recognized that the right mix of
knowledge, skills and attitudes/behaviors, helps a job holder to perform tasks
Organizations try to achieve this by:
Proper selection of personnel, i.e. Choosing the right person for the right job; and
Human resources development - helping them to learn in order to bridge the
performance gap, if any, and make them more proficient.
General considerations :

Skills training today takes place in a variety of set-ups. it can be;

i. part of formal and non-formal training
ii. conducted at school, at a vocational training center
iii. at community level, at the factory or in a workshop
As for Dual Training System, it is envisioned that the training be
divided among a training institute and a company, the latter at least
providing the exposure to real working conditions.
Once again, it is most likely at the supervisory level where the
responsibility for the training will lie.
The role of a supervisor within a company can be:
 described as that of a mediator between management and
 to relate management decisions to the workforce and ensure
their implementation
 communicate workers’ concerns to management
Model of systematic approach to training (SAT)
Process as used in the terms process control and process industry,
refers to the methods of changing or refining raw materials to create end
Process industries include the chemical industry, the oil and gas industry,
A process is broadly defined as an operation that uses resources to
transform inputs into outputs.
Process control is the act of controlling a final control element to change
the manipulated variable to maintain the process variable at a desired Set
The manipulated variable (MV) is a measure of resource being fed into the
process, for instance, how much thermal energy.
A final control element (FCE) is the device that changes the value of the
manipulated variable.
The controller output (CO) is the signal from the controller to the final control
The process variable (PV) is a measure of the process output that changes in
response to changes in the manipulated variable.
The Set Point (SP) is the value at which we wish to maintain the process variable
Control loops in the process control industry work in the same way, requiring
three tasks to occur:
 Measurement
 Comparison
 Adjustment
Basic Elements of Process Control
Controlling a process requires knowledge of four basic elements,
1.The process itself,
2.The sensor that measures the process value,
3. The final control element that changes the manipulated
variable, and
4. The controller which provides the signal to the final element.
 A controller can be a person, a switch, a single loop controller,
or DCS / PLC system.
Process control system
 A control system is an interconnection of components forming
a system configuration that will provide a desired system
 Reference input (Desired output): Excitation applied to a
control system from an external source.
 The reference signal produced by the reference selector. It is
the actual signal input to control system.
Disturbance input is input signal to the system that has an unwanted effect
on the system output.
 Output (controlled variable): The quantity that must be maintained
at a prescribed value, i.e., it must follow the command input without
responding to disturbance inputs.
 Feedback: The output of a system that is returned to modify the
 Error: The difference between the input and the output.
 Feedback element The unit provides the measurement value for
feeding back the output quantity, or a function of the output, in
order to compare it with the reference.
 Actuating signal (error signal) The signal that is the difference
between the reference input and the feedback signal. It is the input
to the control unit that causes the output to have the desired value.
 Negative feedback the output signal is feedback so that it subtracts
from the input signal.
Closed and Open Control Loops
 Closed-loop control system A system in which the output has an effect upon the input
quantity in such a manner as to maintain the desired output value.
 That is, a system that uses a measurement of the output and compares it with the
desired output.
 A closed control loop exists where a process variable is measured, compared to a
setpoint, and action is taken to correct any deviation from setpoint.
(PID)proportional, integral and derivative

 The most general expression of the algorithm of the PID controller consists in the so-
called "parallel"
 expression, in which the three proportional, integral and derivative parts operate in a
non-interacting way on the feedback error.
Including the possibility of a weight factor on the proportional part and of
 a derivative action on the process variable or on the error, this can be written as follows:

u=Kp(β⋅r − y)+KI1/s(r −y) +KDs/1+TFS( γ.r-y)


 u Manipulated Variable (Controller action)

 r Setpoint
 y Process Variable (Controlled Variable)
 KP Proportional Gain
 KI Integral Gain
 KD Derivative Gain
 TF Time constant (Filter)
 β Setpoint weight factor in proportional part 3
 γ Setpoint weight factor in derivative part 4
Process characteristics and PID controller tuning
 The most important rule of controller tuning is to know the process before
attempting to adjust the controller’s tuning.
 The three major classifications of process response are
 -self-regulating
-integrating and
 Each of these process types is defined by its response to a step-change in
the manipulated variable (e.g. control valve position or state of some
other final control element).
 A “self-regulating” process responds to a step-change in the final control
element’s status by settling to a new, stable value.
 An “integrating” process responds by ramping either up or down at a rate
proportional to the magnitude of the final control element’s step-change.
 Finally, a “runaway” process responds by ramp either up or down at a rate
that increases over time, headed toward complete instability without
some form of corrective action from the controller.
 Self-regulating, integrating, and runaway processes have very different
control needs.
Controller tuning
 Controller tuning is the process of determining the controller parameters
which produce the desired output.
 Controller tuning allows for optimization of a process and minimizes the error
between the variable of the process and its set point.
 To tune a feedback control system means to adjust parameters in the
controller to achieve robust control over the process.
 “Robust control” is far easier to define than it is to achieve.
With PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control being the most common
feedback control algorithm used in industry, it is important for the instrument
technician (and engineer!) to understand how to tune these controllers
effectively and with a minimum investment of time.
The advantages of proper PID tuning
 Increased productivity,
 Decreased equipment strain,
 An Increased process safety
 If a well-tuned system helps equipment run longer and safer, then a badly
tuned system may increase failure frequency and safety incidents.
 Some of the recommended considerations prior to making adjustments to the
tuning of a loop controller these considerations include:
Quantitative PID tuning procedures
A quantitative PID tuning procedure is a step-by-step approach leading directly
to a set of numericalvalues to be used in a PID controller. These procedures may
be split into two categories: open loopand closed loop.
An “open loop” tuning procedure is implemented with the controller in manual
mode: introducing a step-change to the controller output and then mathematically
analyzing the results of the process variable response to calculate appropriate PID
settings for the controller to use when placed into automatic mode.
A “closed loop” tuning procedure is implemented with the controller in
automatic mode: adjusting tuning parameters to achieve an easily-defined result,
then using those PID parameter values and information from a graph of the
process variable over time to calculate new PID parameters.
Types of controller tuning methods
 The trial and error method
 Process reaction curve methods.
 The Ziegler-Nichols and
 Cohen-Coon methods
 Auto Tune Variation
Trial and Error
 The trial and error tuning method is based on guess-and-check.
 Process Reaction Curve
 In this method, the variables being measured are those of a system that is already in place. A disturbance is
introduced into the system and data can then be obtained from this curve.
 Ziegler-Nichols Method
two methods are still employed today
1. Ziegler-Nichols closed-loop tuning method
2. Ziegler-Nichols Open-Loop Tuning Method or Process Reaction Method:
1. Closed Loop (Feedback Loop)
 Remove integral and derivative action.
 Create a small disturbance in the loop by changing the set point.
 Record the gain value (Ku) and period of oscillation (Pu).
 Easy experiment; only need to change the P controller
 Includes dynamics of whole process, which gives a more accurate picture of how the system is behaving
 Experiment can be time consuming
 Can venture into unstable regions while testing the P controller, which could cause the system to become out of
2. Open Loop (Feed Forward Loop)
 To use the Ziegler-Nichols open-loop tuning method, you must perform the following steps:
 Make an open loop step test
 From the process reaction curve determine the transportation lag or dead time, τ dead, the time constant or time
for the response to change, τ, and the ultimate value that the response reaches at steady-state, Mu, for a step
change of Xo.
 Determine the loop tuning constants.
 Quick and easier to use than other methods
 It is a robust and popular method
 Of these two techniques, the Process Reaction
Method is the easiest and least disruptive to
 It depends upon purely proportional measurement to
estimate I and D controllers.
 Approximations for the Kc, Ti, and Td values might not
be entirely accurate for different systems.
 It does not hold for I, D and PD controllers
Cohen-Coon Method
 The Cohen-Coon method of controller tuning corrects the
slow, steady-state response given by the Ziegler-Nichols
method when there is a large dead time (process delay)
relative to the open loop time constant; a large process delay
is necessary to make this method practical because otherwise
unreasonably large controller gains will be predicted.
This method is only used for first-order models with time
delay; due to the fact that the controller does not
instantaneously respond to the disturbance (the step
disturbance is progressive instead of instantaneous).
 The Cohen-Coon method is classified as an 'offline' method
for tuning, meaning that a step change can be introduced to
the input once it is at steady-state. Then the output can be
measured based on the time constant and the time delay and
this response can be used to evaluate the initial control
 Used for systems with time delay.
 Quicker closed loop response time.
Disadvantages and Limitations
 Unstable closed loop systems.
 Can only be used for first order models including large
process delays.
 Offline method.
 Approximations for the Kc, τi, and τd values might not be
entirely accurate for different systems.
 Auto Tune Variation
 The auto-tune variation (ATV) technique is also a closed loop
method and it is used to determine two important system
constants (Pu and Ku for example). These values can be
determined without disturbing the system and tuning values
for PID are obtained from these.
An open control loop exists where the process variable is not compared,
and action is taken not in response to feedback on the condition of the
process variable, but is instead taken without regard to process variable
Control Loop Equipment and Technology

Primary elements are devices that cause some change in their property with changes in
process fluid conditions that can then be measured.
Some of the greatest ingenuity in the process control field is apparent in sensing devices.
Because sensing devices are the first element in the control loop to measure the process
variable, they are also called primary elements.
Examples of primary elements include:
Pressure sensing diaphragms, strain gauges, capacitance cells
Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs)
Orifice plates
Pitot tubes
Magnetic flow tubes
Radar emitters and receivers
Ultrasonic emitters and receivers
Annubar flow elements
A controller
A controller is a device that receives data from a measurement instrument,
compares that data to a programmed setpoint, and, if necessary, signals a
control element to take corrective action. Local controllers are usually one
of the three types: pneumatic, electronic or programmable.
Controllers also commonly reside in a digital control system. Controllers
always have an ability to receive input, to perform a mathematical function
with the input, and to produce an output signal. Common examples of
controllers include:
SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition): systems are highly distributed
systems used to control geographically dispersed assets, often scattered over thousands
of square kilometers, They are used in distribution systems such as water distribution
and wastewater collection systems, oil and gas pipelines, electrical power grids, and
railway transportation systems.
 DCSs (Distributed Control Systems): are used to control industrial
processes such as
 electric power generation,
 oil and gas refineries,
water and wastewater treatment, and
chemical, food, and
automotive production.
 DCSs are integrated as a control architecture containing a supervisory
level of control overseeing multiple, integrated subsystems that are
responsible for controlling the details of a localized process.
 PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers): are computer-based solid-state
devices that control industrial equipment and processes. While PLCs are
control system components used throughout SCADA and DCS systems,
they are often the primary components in smaller control system
configurations used to provide regulatory control of discrete processes
such as automobile assembly lines and power plant dust blower controls.
 PLCs are used widely in almost all industrial processes.

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