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Chap 3.

Internet Technology

- Asst.Prof.Trupti Kulkarni
IP (Internet Protocol)
The actual process for establishing a connection with the TCP protocol is as follows:

1.First, the requesting client sends the server a SYN packet or segment (SYN stands
for synchronize) with a unique, random number. This number ensures full
transmission in the correct order (without duplicates).

2.If the server has received the segment, it agrees to the connection by returning

a SYN-ACK packet (ACK stands for acknowledgment) including the client's sequence
number plus 1. It also transmits its own sequence number to the client.

3.Finally, the client acknowledges the receipt of the SYN-ACK segment by sending its

own ACK packet, which in this case contains the server's sequence number plus 1.
At the same time, the client can already begin transferring data to the server.
Since the TCP connection is established in three steps, the connection process is called a three-way
• TCP teardown: How a controlled TCP connection termination works

• Both sides of a connection can terminate a TCP connection, and even one-sided termination is also
possible. This is also known as a half-open connection, whereby the other side is still allowed to
transfer data even if one side has already disconnected.

• The individual steps of two-way termination (initiated by the client for the sake of simplicity in this
example) can be summarized as follows:

1. The client sends a FIN segment to notify the server that it no longer wants to send data. It sends its
own sequence number, just as it does when the connection is established.
2. The server acknowledges receipt of the package with an ACK segment that contains the sequence
number plus 1.
3. When the server has finished the data transfer, it also sends a FIN packet, to which it adds its
sequence number.
4. Now it is the client's turn to send an ACK packet including the sequence number plus 1, which
officially terminates the TCP connection for the server.
What is the difference between a dynamic and static IP address?
When a device is assigned a static IP address, the address does
not change. Most devices use dynamic IP addresses, which are
assigned by the network when they connect and change over time.
DNS Domain Name Server
DNS Lookup Process

Step 1: Requesting Website Information

Let’s visit a website by typing a domain name into a web browser. Our computer will start
resolving the hostname, such as Our computer will then look for the IP
address associated with the domain name in its local DNS cache. This cache stores this
information that our computer has recently saved.  If it is present locally, then the website will be
displayed. If our computer does not have the information, it will perform a DNS query to retrieve
the correct information.

Step 2: Contact the Recursive DNS Servers

If the information is not in your computer’s local cache, then it will query another server.
Recursive DNS servers have their local cache, much like your computer. If the domain is in
cached, the query will end here and the website displayed to the user.

Step 3: Query the Authoritative DNS Servers

If a recursive DNS server or servers do not have information stored in its cache memory, it looks
elsewhere. The query then continues up the chain of authoritative DNS servers. The search will
continue until it finds a nameserver for the domain. These authoritative name servers are
responsible for storing these records for their respective domain names.
Step 4: Access the DNS Record
To locate the IP address for, we will query the authoritative name server for the
address record (A record). A Recursive DNS server accesses the A record for from
the authoritative name servers. It then stores the record in its local cache.

Step 5: Final DNS Step

The Recursive DNS server has the information and returns the A record to your computer. Our
computer then stores the record in its local cache. It reads the IP address from the DNS record
and passed it to our browser. The web browser will connect to the web server associated with the
A records IP and display the website.
The entire lookup process, from start to finish, takes only milliseconds to complete.
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