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Kees Tesselhof MSc MSc

promotor: professor dr. Rob Kusters (OU)

co-promotor: dr. ing. Jan Veuger MRE FRICS
co-promotor: dr. ir. Guy Janssens (OU)

What are added values and risks of blockchain based systems for their
involved stakeholders and under which conditions risks will occur and
added values can be achieved.

February 23, 2021

• Selamat datang

• Intro – people and systems

• Blockchain – hype or not?
• Research method – design science research
• Key concepts – definitions
• Further research
Intro – people and systems
Blockchain – hype or not?
Research method - DSR
Key concepts
• Blockchain technologie
• Blockchain system
• Blockchain system type
• Blockchain system functional characteristics
• Blockchain system subtype
• Blockchan system non functional characteristics
• Blockchain system application area
• Governance of blockchan systems
• Blockchain subtype
• Variables:
• Publicly accesible, permissionless, public blockchain, public blockchain or ledger
• Permissioned blockchain, private, private blockchain, closed system, permissioned
• Off-chain

• Definition
• The blockchain subtypes depends on authorities. If no intermediary is involved, and the
transactions are approved by a protocol in the chain, it is called public. If an intermediary
is involved, and the transactions are approved by a central party it is called private or
Blockchain system non functional characteristics
• No trusted intermediary, trust/control, do need to trust, don’t trust
• Resilience, persistency, confidence, consensus, protocol, safe and
secure, do not have a single point of failure
• Tampering and revision, performance, write only (immutable)
• Finality, provenance, integrity, changes are visible by all parties and
can easily test whether a new transaction is consistent with the
existing transactions
• Publicly accessible records, disintermediary, openness, transparent,
blockchain application
• Definition for blockchain system non functional characteristics

• A democratising technology of a blockchain based system needs integrity of

data. The validity of the data is guaranteed by transparency of the process
and the irreversibility and immutability of the transactions. Consensus is
realised by protocol. This process is important for trust across the value chain.
• Stakeholders
• Added values
• Risks
• Conditions

• Framework for scientists and experts, to implement blockchain

systems within time and within the budget
- Pertanyaan?

- Questions?
• How do human factors affect the implementation process of a system
(Tesselhof, Open Universiteit 2017)
• Complexity perception among stakeholders of ERP implementations:
is there a measuring instrument for this? (Tesselhof, Open Universiteit
• Tesselhof, K. and J. Veuger (2019), Complexity Perception Among Stakeholders
of Blockchain Implementations: Can we use a Measuring Instrument for
this? International Journal of Applied Science; Vol. 2, No. 3; 2019.ISSN 2576-
7240  E-ISSN 2576-7259. Double-blind peer-reviewed. Impactfactor2.778.
• Kees Tesselhof MSc MSc, professor dr. Rob Kusters, dr. Ir. Guy Janssenss, dr.
Jan Veuger MRE FRICS (December 2019), A proposed conceptual framework
for Blockchain systems In: Chapter A proposed conceptual framework for
Blockchain Systems - Peer reviewed. Nova   Science Publishers Inc. New York
USA. https

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