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Course Code: HUM203

Course Title: Sociology

Lecture / Week No: Globalization (12)

Instructor Name: Muhammad Faizan Khan

Reference Book: Introduction to Sociology by
openstax college

Department of Business Administration

• What is Globalization
• Importance, types, reason & Advantages of Globalization
• Global Inequality
• Religion
• Gender Inequality
• Global Inequalities in Income & Wealth
• Unemployment
• Poverty
“Process by which Characteristics of Globalization
goods, services,  Connectivity
capital, people,
information, and ideas  Borderless Glob
flow across national  Free Trade
 Cultural Diversity
 Mobility

Technology Changes
Importance of Globalization:
Globalization is important because it opens the doors of various fields of study. It
broadens the educational horizons for students.

Technology in the world today has made it easier for students to find more in depth
information that they are looking for to use for educational purposes. Students can
also learn more about other countries because of the impact of globalization.
Technology tools to promote globalization :
 Face-book

 Twitter

 Wiki spaces
 Phones

 Microsoft office
 Web quest
 Podcast

 Email
Types of Globalization :

 Economic

 Social

 Political

 Cultural

 Industrial

 Religious

 legal/ Ethical
Reasons For Globalization

Firm operate internationally for a number of reasons:

 They make be seeking to secure better source of raw materials & energy.
They may want to obtain access to low cost factor of production such as labor.
 They may be attracted to certain countries because of subsidies those countries provide.
 They may be seeking new markets for their products.
 Domestic markets may no longer be able to absorb production at minimum
efficient scale.
Advantages of Globalization:

Advance in technology, for example, easier communication.

Advance in Science.
Increase of Business.
People can move easily ,it allows migration.
International organization help people easily and more quickly.
Big international companies provide more employment.
Disadvantages of Globalization:

Greater risk and danger of epidemic disease.

More difficulty for smaller companies to survive economically.
Greater probability of developed countries to start war.
Rich countries exploit poor countries.
Intense competition.
Inequality :
“the condition of being unequal; lack of equality; disparity.”

Global Inequality:
“ It refers to the unequal distribution
of resources among individuals and groups based on their position
in the social hierarchy (a series of ordered groupings of people or
things within a system.”
Causes of Global Inequality:
 Religion

 Gender Inequality ( Gender inequality around the world)

 Inequality in the workplace
 Inequality in wealth and income
 Unemployment
 Social inequalities
 Education
 Poverty
“A strong belief on super natural power or power that control
human destiny.”

Discrimination in Religion:
It is discrimination to treat you worse than someone
just because of your religion or belief. This is against the law.
Refusing to work alongside with you just because you're Jewish.
 Refusing to join you when you eat at school just because you're Muslim.
Dismissing you from a group activity because you're Rastafarian.
 Refusing to allow you into an activity if you're wearing a hijab.
Gender Inequality :
refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender.”

Gender equality is still a huge issue today, where male are considered superior to female.
Women had to flight to vote, for equal pay, and to have male dominant job, but still have
lower income, fewer prestigious jobs , usually female oriented college degrees , and are more
likely to live in poverty than men.
Inequality in the workplace
 Women are facing discrimination in their income, unemployment and occupational
 Women’s salaries average only 72- 88% to the men salaries.
 The ratio of women’s median annual earning to men’s only rose from 60.7 in 1960
to 77.8 in 2020.
Inequality in the schools:

 Gender discrimination is very common in some countries. People are very

conservative and they don’t want their girls to go to school and get education. Due to
this, the ratio of boys and girls in primary schools is 10:4.
 Poverty is another factor that prohibits the parents to send their children to schools.
 Many girls have to work , or get married or live in rural community where they
are unable to get to schools.
Gender Inequality around the world:

Limited Access to resources:

Women are responsible 60-80% of food production ,but have limited access to resources
,such as land, credits and new technologies.
Lack of Education:
Education and poverty reduction go hand in hand, progress is being made, but there are still
less girls in school or finishing schools. This also has to do with living in rural areas.
Access to Healthcare:
Many women die in childbirth in the developing world and is usually completely
avoidable if proper healthcare are available. HIV/AIDS can also be diminished
with education and reduction of child marriages and women slaves.

In the workplace:
Still more men than women in paid employment, business and politics. Women work two-
thirds of the world’s working hours and earn only 10% of the world’s income.
Gender Based Violence:
Gender based violence is one of the most socially tolerated abuse of human right
worldwide. It is contributor to poverty and ill-health and prevent many women from
reaching their potential.
Conclusion & Solution:
Much has to be done with our society and media and the injustice of gender inequality.
Girls and women are struggling for equal pay , positions, tittle , respect and still fighting
certain communities for the right over their own bodies.
Solution would be fostering healthy attitudes and ending discrimination for a better
social view on women.
Teaching our children and give value to girls and women and treat them with respect.
Abuse in any form for being female is not acceptable.
Education-literacy, every girl and women has a right to read and write and be an active
member of society.
Equal pay should be given to women depending on the performance and work.
Global Inequalities in income and
“Income inequality is the gape between rich and poor. i.e. Is the difference in the
distribution of economic assets (Wealth) and income within or between population
or individuals. It is rate of an economy in which the shares of total income earned
by rich and poor are highly unequal”.
Causes of Income Inequality:

Changes in Taxation

 Policy reforms
 Labor market
 More regressive
taxation  Gender pay gap
 Globalization
 Access to  Nepotism
 Technological
 Wealth concentration
 In
Trade liberalization market Racial Discrimination
Conclusion & solutions:
“It is technology that enables the economy to produce services and especially consumer
goods more cheaply and in greater quantity than ever before, but clearly the current financial
system is incapable of distributing them, especially to the underclass and the unemployable.”

There are a number of issues that people need to keep in mind when looking at average
incomes: Aggregates tell you very little about the well- being of individuals.
Be wary of analyses; they are often misleading and far too simplistic. Aggregates are
useful, but they can be misused.

“People able ,available and wailing to find work and actively seeking work-but not

Employment is one of the major issue confronted by our youth today. Every year many new
graduate are added into the labor force but few of them get very good job; some other get
reasonable one but many keep on looking for jobs for a long time .
 Recently, the unemployment rate of Pakistan increased to 4.5%
Unemployment Rate in Pakistan averaged 5.45% from 1985 until 2014. The rate
of male unemployment is 7% and female unemployment is 10%.

You will find so many masters, graduates , engineers and people of many
profession being wasted due to unemployment system in Pakistan.
Not only the educated people of Pakistan , but also the labor class is also going
through a rough phase and heir daily life has become a living hell for them.
Conclusion & Solution:
Unemployment levels are increasing dramatically in many parts of the world. The
permanently unemployed have no income, and many choose the alternative of income
by crime.
 The very first solution for the unemployment is to control the rising population of
our country.
 The quality of Pakistan education should be improved.
 Government should encourage and develop the agriculture based
industries in rural areas so that the rural candidates don’t migrate to the urban areas.
More employment should be generated in rural areas for the seasonal unemployment
 Government should allow more foreign companies to open their units in Pakistan, so
that more employment opportunities will be available.
Social Inequalities:
It refers to a lack of social equality , where individuals in

a society do not have equal social status”.
Social Inequality Exist in Following
 Gender
 Age
 Race and Ethnicity
 Religion
 Kinship
“Education is the simple process of learning and knowing.”

Types of Education:
 Formal Education
 Informal Education

Importance of Education
“The foundation of every state is the education of its youth”. Diogenes
Formal Education:
“Formal education is classroom-based, provided by trained teachers.”

Informal Education:
“Informal education happens outside the classroom, in after-school programs,
community-based organizations, museums, libraries, or at home.”
Education problems :
Education System is based on Unequal Lines
Regional Disparity
Ratio of Gender Discrimination
Lack of Technical Education
Untrained Teachers
“It is the lack of basic human needs ,such as clean water, nutrition, health care, education,
clothing and shelter, because of the inability to afford them.”

Absolute Relative
Types of
Poverty: “ Lack of basic “The condition of having
human needs , like fewer resources or lesser
 Absolu clean water, nutrition income as compared to
te ,health care, others, within a society or
Poverty education, clothing a country, or as compared
 Relative and shelter.” to worldwide averages.”
Causes of Poverty:

Lack of Education
Large Scale Import
Division of Agricultural Land
Effects of Poverty:

 Bad Health
 Hunger and Pain
 Low life Expectancy
 Low Standard of Living
 Crime (Murder, Violence, Drug Abuse ,Theft, )
References / Resources

1. Introduction to Sociology by openstax college

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