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 1. What is Federalism?
 2. What is the Historical origin of

 3. What is the difference of federalism to

other form of government?

 4. How effective federalism is?
 5. What are the advantages and

disadvantages of federalism?
 6. Is federalism suited in the Philippines?
 Foederis- union and collaboration for the
purpose of achieving common goals by per se
autonomous and independent subjects and

 French “fidere” means “to trust”

 It is a system of govt. in which power is

divided between a central authority and
various constituent units of the country.
Unitary Government…
 Only one level of Government.
 Sub units subordinated.
 Centre can pass orders to the local

 Example : United Kingdom
2 Levels of Government…

 Government for the entire country

 Governments at the level of provinces/states.
 Both enjoy power independent of the other.
 State Government has power of its own and

not answerable to the centre.

 Example : USA

Has subjects of
Has subjects of Has subjects of
common interest
National local and State
both to Centre and
importance. importance.

Both the Centre

Union alone can State Govt. alone
and State can
make laws. can make laws.
frame laws.

Defence, Banking, Police, trade, Education, Forest,

Currency, Foreign commerce, Trade Union,
affairs and agriculture and Marriage, Adoption
communication. irrigation. and succession.
Types of Federalism
 Dual Federalism
Giving limited list of powers primary foreign policy and national
defense to the national government. Other powers to states.
 Cooperative Federalism
When national, state, and local governments work together to make the
government easier.
 Marble Cake Federalism
Where powers are mixed and given out to the different levels of
 Competitive Federalism
Where state and local governments compete for different laws and
powers, and then people choose which region they live under.
 Permissive Federalism
State and local governments ask the national government before doing
 The "New" Federalism
Says anything not stated in the constitution is a reserved power for the
Features of Federalism…
Objectives of Federalism…
 To safeguard /promote the unity of the
 To accommodate regional diversity.
Two Crucial Aspects of An Ideal

1. Governments at different levels should agree

to some rules of power sharing.
2. Trust and agreement to live together must
be there.
Why Federalism???

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