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landforms do
the waves
Lesson 4.3
 Cliffs
 Headland Arch
 Wave-cut notch Stack
 Wave-cut
 Bay
Salt marsh
 Cave

1. Make a table like the one started here.

Use the width of your page, with a wider
column for the definitions. Complete the
first two columns for all the terms in bold
in this unit. Then put a check mark (/) in
the third or fourth column to show how
each landform was formed. (One (/) has
been put in for you.)
2. Draw a sketch of the landscape in
Photo A.
a. On your sketch, label:
a wave-cut notch a wave-cut platform
an arch a stump
b. Explain how the arch was formed.
c. Draw dotted lines to show where
there was once another arch.
d. What will happen to the stump over
3. Over time, vegetation may grow
in spits. Photo B shows the spit at
Dawlish Warren in Devon.
a. Make a labelled sketch of the
spit, and draw an arrow to show
the direction of longshore drift.
b. Add notes to show where
humans have interacted with the
spit. (Look closely.)
Make a larger copy of the drawing
below to show how the coastline might
look 10,000 years from now. Label any
landforms, and add notes to explain
how they formed.

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