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Final Exam

Matching Type (15 pts). 10 minutes

Match Column A and Column B. Write the letter only.

A A.
B Alt – F
B. Ctrl + X
2.Highlight all text C. Ctrl + R
3.Redo D. Ctrl + J
4.Justify Alignment E. CTRL + B
5.Cut F. Ctrl + Z
G. Ctrl + A
7.Undo H. CTRL + L
8.Right Alignment I. CTRL + SHIFT + >
9.Increase font size J. Ctrl + U
10.Decrease font size
K. Ctrl + S
11.Left Alignment
L. Ctrl + Y
12.Bold face
13.Italic M. CTRL + P
14.Print N. CTRL + SHIFT + <
15.Save O. CTRL + I
Identification. 10 minutes


8 9

4 7

6 5
Hands-On Activity
 Create a pie graph of your daily activities and indicate the
number of hours you spend in doing it. Example: Eating,
taking a bath, travelling to school, doing household chores,
 Title of the graph is “Myself, my time…”
 Do it in 10 minutes.

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