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Type and use Modal verb Example

Obligation Must, Have to People mustn’t smoke in class.
We must go now.

We don’t have to go to the party if we don’t want

We have to visit the dentist every month

Advice Should, Ought You should do your HW.

to You shouldn’t drink alcohol.

You ought to call your mother more often.

Polite request Would Would you hold this for me?

Need not Need We have milk, you needn’t buy any

Let’s forget about it. No one need know
about it.
“Must” is a synonym for “have to”.
It is also use to indicate probability or assume
something. And finally for rhetoric questions.
- We must [have to] leave now or we will be
- John’s not here. He must be sick because he
never misses class.
- You must not drink and drive.
- Must you always be late?
Have to
We must remember the obligation expressed by
“have to” is external (it is given by a third person
or by rules). It also express need.

I, you, we, they >>> Have Have not (Haven’t)

He, she, it >>> Has Has not (Hasn’t)
Completa estas frases con la forma correcta de have to.

1. Doctors _____________________________ (treat people).

2. Teachers __________________________ (be very patient).
3. A secretary _________________________ (be organized).
4. Postmen/women ____________________ (deliver letters).
5. Sportsmen/women __________________ (train very hard).
Escribe estas frases en negativo.

1. He has to work in a bank ____________________________

2. I have to work on Saturdays _________________________
3. They have to study a lot ____________________________

We use should to give an advice or to

say something that is good for us.

Should is not as strong as must or have

• Affirmative: • Negative: (shouldn’t)
Subject + should + verb in Subject + should + NOT +
present + complement. verb in present +
I should do my homework.
You should not smoke
He should do his homework. everyday.

They should not drink many

Actividades: busca en el diccionario las palabras en
rojo y escribe su significado, después completa las
oraciones usando should o should’t

• They __________ send their parents a gift to

celebrate their anniversary.
• __________ we call the doctor before the
• He ___________ pay more attention to what the
teacher says.
• We __________ hire an inexperienced waiter for the
• If you don´t feel OK, you ________ go to the doctor.
Ought to
"Ought to" is a synonym for "should".

They ought to work less. 
She ought to quit smoking. 
I ought to call my parents more often.

We use would and do you want, to make offers. It

depends the context.

Use: Would you like…? If you want to be polite.

Use: Do you want…? with close friends and family.

Use Would you like + NOUN

Use Would you like to + VERB

Use Would you like me to + VERB

Use Would you like (person’s name) to + VERB

We use “need” mostly in the negative form to indicate that
there is no obligation or necessity to do something.
Affirmatives with the semi-modal need are not common and
they are used in formal contexts. There is almost always a
negative word (e.g. no one, nobody, nothing) or phrase in the
clause, even if the verb phrase is affirmative:
No one need think that we are doing this every week. 
Nobody need know the name of the person who made the
We form the negative by adding not after need. Need not can
be contracted to needn’t: You need not spend a lot of money
on presents. (or You needn’t spend a lot of money on presents.)

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