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Dr. Md.

Zahangir Alam
National Project Director
Community Rural radio
Agriculture Information Services
Ministry of Agriculture
 We need Radio Journalism for better radio
 Planning
 Learning
 Execution
 Monitoring (Self & Other)
 Evaluation & re consider
 Practice Practice and Practiced
• Radio Talk
• Radio feature
• Radio Documentary
• Radio Spot
• Radio Drama
• Radio jingle
• Radio News
• Radio Ad and Commercial
• Radio Song
• Radio Talk show
• Radio Interview
• Radio Phone in Program
• Radio script no visual pictures, the pictures
available to the imagination are limitless if
some one could create it.
• The radio writer is writing words and
describing sounds and giving sound
directions initially that only the writer can
• radio scribe’s writing will become sound and
spoken words, produced, engineered and
finally mixed together and through it on air
for broadcasting...
* Voices - male, female, and child.
* Sound Effects - sounds individually collected
or from commercial libraries.
* Music – both originally produced music, and
commercially available tracks.
* Silence – the use, availability and types of
silence should never be underestimated.
* radio work is a ‘Play for Voices’, or features
the spoken word as the main element.
• Just think of the types and huge variations of
voices available, either natural voices or
learned and trained disguises from an actor.
These can be divided by some of the
following descriptions:
 Age and Sex
 Nationality and Region
 Depth or Pitch Pause Punch
 Defining Characteristics
* Talk directly to the listener as if they were sitting
in front of you
* Use everyday language, don’t try and impress
* Make the first sentence interesting and grab the
listener’s attention
* Then keep their interest, with something equally
as strong
* Get straight to the point. A listener’s attention
will easily wander
* The spoken word is read ‘Out Loud,’ so be the
first to read it out loud
• Think of the Listener; Think of the listener who
may be listening, write for them, talk to them
and the script will follow as normal
conversation follows
• Writing for the Ear; Words written well and
spoken well can conjure up sights and sounds
of course, but also smells, touch sensations,
and feelings.
• The combination of a good reader, and well
chosen words is dramatic as many great
orators past and present have demonstrated.
* Get straight to the point, generate interest
* Keep that interest
* Always read out loud what’s written even as a
work in progress
* Always be unambiguous and don’t try to be
* Use punctuation when it helps the reader to
read it out loud
* Use the medium and paint pictures
 Radio Scriptwriting, done well, can create
wonderful pictures in the listeners own
imagination that are all the more precious
because they are the listeners own generated
 These are the essential components. Ask

yourself: Who? What? Why? Where? When?

Which? How?
• Voice animation
• Sound Effect
• Jump over
• Change over Effect or music
• Back ground Music
• Logical Arrangement of segment
• Own script- easier to read and deliver
• Others script-All most tough so be careful

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