Introduction To Ethics Xid-86428 1

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Introduction to Ethics

Session 1
Learning Objectives
01 Define Ethics and analyze its nature

02 Explain the significant roles of values in ethical decision

03 Explain & differentiate the branches of Ethics

04 Examine the scope of ethics

Heinz Dilemma
• Is it right to steal the drug to save the life?

• Is it okay to charge ten times more of the production cost for a

life saving drug?
Case of lying

• Is lying always bad?

• Sometimes it is right to lie or hide the truth?
Case of cheating
• Version 1
• Version 2
• Version 3
You have got a problem…….
What is your problem?

What should I choose….. A moral dilemma

Honesty vs. Friendship

Justice vs. Loyalty to friend
Moral dilemma of this sort are common…..
….in which moral rules/ moral values come into conflict…

What moral choice you make says much about :

• The principles you have
• The things that are important to you
• The values you hold
What should I do?

…..may appear insignificant but is one of the most important


“It is our whole way of life that is at issue”

Socrates (469-399)
• Ethikos (in Greek) derived from ethos

• Difference between ethics & morality or morals

• A branch of Philosophy that critically examines the moral

beliefs and moral standards; studies what makes human
actions good & bad or right & wrong
Ethics is also defined as….
The study of values that govern our moral character and our relationship
with other people.
Moral judgment vs. Judgment of preference
Not all uses of ‘should’, ‘ought’ and ‘good’ are moral uses:

1. The newspapers should double–check their facts before they write such
2. It is good to have ice cream in a hot day
3. Should I take coffee or tea?
4. Ahmed should have passed the ball earlier
5. Its bad to "customize” and submit a research paper as your own which you
purchased online
Ethics implies moral agency
• 'Should’ implies ‘can’

• Moral agent

• Moral actions vs. morally neutral actions

Scope of Ethics
• Ethics studies only actions of human beings

• It is argued that actions of human beings who are not living in a

society are excluded from the scope of ethics
The Three Branches of Ethics
• Meta-ethics
• Normative Ethics
• Applied Ethics

• Study of the meaning of ethical terms & concept which forms

the foundation of morality

- What is the meaning of (term) right?
- Is morality objective? Testable?
Normative Ethics

• Study of what makes an action morally right/wrong or good/bad,

what rule should one follow in order to a good person etc.

-What should I do? What is right action to do?
-How should I live my life?
Applied Ethics

• Application of moral principles and ethical theories to practical


- Do corporates have a responsibility towards environment?
- Is it wrong to donate your body organ to save other life?
An overview of branches
Why study Ethics?
• Ethics is an integral part of our life
• Help us understand the complex nature of ethical issues
• Help us reflect on our own source of morality
• Makes us realize the consequences of our actions

It has hands on application

Thank You

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