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Unit 7

le sso n 4
Process Writing
Write a poem about the future
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Children’s poetry competition In the future…

Closing date April 1st There won’t be any gas.
Do like writing poems? There won’t be any cars.
Do you like movies and books about future? We’ll all ride bikes.
Do you want to your poem on this website? We won’t go very fast.
Write a poem about the future. But we’ll all be healthier.
Begin: Sam Lewis, age 10
In the future….
Write four or five lines. In the future…
Here are some examples. I will have lots of money.
In the future… I will have a big house
Computers will be smaller. On a beach that is sunny.
In the future… Smartphones will be smarter. I’ll study from home.
We won’t go to school. Airplanes will be faster. I won’t go to school.
We won’t see our friends. But we won’t be happier. But I’ll be happy and free
We won’t have teachers, Lee Rushton, age 10 From all of the rules!
But we will miss them. Carrie Edmonds, age 9
John Williams, age 10
 Think about structure and content.
Read the steps. Then find and underline other examples in the poems on page 68.

 Begin with these words:

In the future…
 Write what you think will happen:
Airplane will be faster.
 Write what you think won’t happen:
We won’t go to school.
 Use But in the last line:
But we won’t be happier.
 Write your name and your age:
Sam Lewis, age 10
 Practice with example.
Read the example and put each sentence into each step.

 Begin with these words:

In the future…
_____ In the future…
 Write what you think will happen: I will have lots of money.
I will have lots of money./ I’ll study from home. I will have a big house
_____ On a beach that is sunny.
 Write what you think won’t happen: I’ll study from home.
I won’t go to school. I won’t go to school.
_____ But I’ll be happy and free
 Use But in the last line: From all of the rules!
But I’ll be happy and free from all of the rules! Carrie Edmonds, age 9
 Write your name and your age:
Carrie Edmonds, age 9
 Look at the sentences in the box.
Read and put each one into each step.
Scientists will invent a lot of new things.

 Begin with these words: But people won’t live longer.

___________________________________________ In the future…
 Write what you think will happen: There will be many spaceships.
___________________________________________ Domie Ya, age 12
_____ The world will be modern.
 Write what you think won’t happen:
 Use But in the last line:
 Write your name and your age:
 Connect to make sentences. Then match the sentences and
1. I like orange juice, but they won’t cook our dinner.
2. I speak English and turn off the lights.
3. My dad is tall, but I don’t like apple juice.
4. Turn off the TV and I have a cold.
5. I think there will be robots, but I speak Spanish.
6. I have a cough and my mom is short.
 Rewrite the sentences using and or but.
 Task
You are going to write a poem about the future.
Which topic will you write about?
 Plan
 How does your poem begin?
 What do you think will happen?
 What do you think won’t happen?
 How will you finish your poem?
Write a poem about the future!

Topic: ________________________
In the future…
There will have robots in our houses,
They will clean our homes,
And wash our clothes,
There won’t be any pollution,
But the world will be hotter.
Student’s FYLE5, age 10-17

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