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Word Guessing Game

Group Members:-
Richa Gupta_TEITA_30
Chaithanya Moozhickal_TEITA_63
• The Word guessing game as an example of using Quick sort, Binary
search, a Divide and Conquer Algorithm by possible word of guesses.
• Word Guessing Game (Hangman) is a popular where the player
attempts to build a missing word by guessing one letter at a time.
After a certain number of incorrect guesses, the game ends and the
player loses. The game also ends if the player correctly identifies all
the letters of the missing word.
• The implementation Of Word Guessing Game is done using Divide and Conquer Algorithm i.e Quick
sort and Binary search.
• Binary search is one of the fundamental algorithms in computer science. A binary search, also known
is a search algorithm finds the position of a target value within a sorted array. Binary search compares
the target value to the middle element of the array; if they are unequal, the half in which the target
cannot lie is eliminated and the search continues on the remaining half until it is successful. If the
search ends with the remaining half being empty, the target is not in the array.
• Binary search runs in at worst logarithmic time, making O(log n) comparisons, where n is the number
of elements in the array, the O is Big O notation, and log is the logarithm. Binary search takes constant
(O(1)) space, meaning that the space taken by the algorithm is the same for any number of elements in
the array. 
Technology Used :-
• We making the Word Guessing Game (Hangman) using HTML, CSS,
Literature Survey
Srno. Year Title Author Key Finding Methodology
1. January SEARCH GAMES Ryusuke Hohzaki Search games are The Binary Search Game
2016 applications of game defined on a discrete number
theory to search problems. of intervals is played until the
Numerous search game true and guessed numbers
researchers have aimed at coincide. However, in games
solving realistic search defined in a continuous
problems on a case-by- interval, the accuracy of the
case basis. finally guessed number or the
accumulation of each
difference between each
guessed and true number is
adopted as the payoff.
• By Using the Binary Search Algorithm One can guess the number easily
because in each step the half portion of the search space is reduced.
Thank You

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