Prayers by Queen Kuntī and Parīk It Saved: Canto 1 Chapter 8

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Canto 1 Chapter 8

Prayers by Queen Kuntī

and Parīkṣit Saved
Krishna leaving for Dwarka
Saves Pariksit and the
Pandavas; Breaks His promise…
verses 9-16

• Krishna breaks his promise

• He picks up his disc to counteract the
• Protection of the devotee is more
important than to be worldly moralist.
• His promise to protect devotees never
goes in vain
• He wants to be known as bhakta vatsala
Kuntidevi described as a chaste woman
Why?(verse 17)

• Due to her devotion to Krishna

• Depended solely on the protection of
the lord
• Did her prescribed duty
• Krishna is both inside and outside,
• All pervading and localized
• Yet He is invisible to the
• Faithless
• Envious
• Foolish
• Analogy of an actor

Kuntidevi glorifies Krishna (verses 18,19)

Queen Kunti’s calls herself less
intelligent – how do we
understand it? (verse 20)
Her humility
• She is most intelligent
• Her prayers are read and followed by parahamsas
• Prabhupada gave extensive lectures on these prayers and recited
them in times of difficulties
Kunti favors Lord Krishna’s
descent over other
incarnations. Why? (verse 21)

• Krishna is more approachable

• Lord Rama was a King’s Son
• He likes to be chastised by His mother
• Ruffled by His friends
• Dance with the gopis
• Vrajavasis more fortunate than Mathura
and Dwarka vasis
Krishna’s body compared to
a lotus (verse 22)
What is the nature of a lotus?
• Beautiful, soothing
• above dirty water

Krishna’s body like a lotus

• Eyes
• Navel
• Feet
• Garland of lotus flowers
Kuntidevi is grateful to Krishna for protection of family from
asks for more(verse 23 -25)

Man-eating cannibals

Poisoned cake
• Many dangerous
Insult of Draupadi encounters
• She prays for
more. Why?

Wrath of Durvasa Muni

Krishna can be approached by
those who: verses 26 and 27
• Have no material Cannot be approached by those
desires Puffed up by:
• Live for the welfare of High birth
others Wealth


Kuntidevi finds His human-like
pastimes bewildering (verse
• Krishna’s fear of Mother Yasoda’s stick
• Although He is fear personified
• Krishna is the controller
• Yet His friends play with Him as an equal
• Although he is unborn he takes birth as
son, as Matsya, Kurma, boar etc.
Different reasons why
Krishna appears
(verses 32 – 36)
• Removes burden of the earth
• Establishes religious
• Kills the envious and protects
• Devaki and Vasudeva
prayed for a son
• Rejuvenates process of
hearing, chanting
Yudhisthira’s lamentation: Krishna
failed to pacify (verses 46-52)
• So many lives lost for his sake
• Such a sin cannot be counteracted
• Will reside in hell
• Analogy of muddy water

• Krishna failed to pacify

• Wanted Bhisma glorified
Who should be protected
in society? Why? Verse 5

• Brahmanas
• cows
• Women
• Children
• Old men
• Krishna protects his devotees
Does Krishna favor his devotees over others?
(verses 28,29)
• Krishna’s mercy is for everyone equally
• depends on the three kinds of receivers
• 1. those who turn their backs on Krishna
• 2. those who demand material benefits
• 3.Pure devotees who want nothing
• Analogy of the sun and judge
• We have free will and create our destiny
Krishna is the witness and permitter
Krishna’s appearance brings auspiciousness!
(Verse 40)
• The earth is marked by the impressions of His
lotus feet
• Villages and cities are flourishing
• Trees full of fruits
• Rivers are flowing
• Hills full of minerals
• Oceans full of wealth

No need of big industrial

Or animal killing

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