BK Acts 11 Chapter11 Handout

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The Beginning of the Gentile Mission

[Acts 9:32 – Acts 12:25]

2 Sections

1. Peter Reports to the Jerusalem Church [vv1-18]

2. The Church in Antioch Grows [vv19-30]
Peter Reports to the Jerusalem
Church [vv1-18]
The apostles
Other believers
[Christians both in
Jerusalem and scattered
in the neighbouring area
of Judea]
Heard that the Gentiles
had received the word of
Peter Reports to the Jerusalem
Church [vv1-18]
Went to Jerusalem
Criticised by Jewish
Christians who were in
favour of circumcising
the Gentiles for staying
in the home of
uncircumcised Gentiles
and eating with them
Peter Reports to the Jerusalem
Church [vv1-18]
Peter’s defense
Vision while praying in
Large sheet lowered
Domesticated and wild
animals, reptiles and
wild birds
Heard a voice
Peter Reports to the Jerusalem
Church [vv1-18]
Voice spoke again
Three times
Three men from
Six believers from Joppa
Angel to Cornelius
Holy Spirit came down
Peter’s remembrance
Peter’s acknowledgement
Peter Reports to the Jerusalem
Church [vv1-18]
The believers’ response
- Stopped criticism
- Praised God for giving
the Gentiles the
opportunity to repent
and live
The Church in Antioch Grows
The Church in Antioch Grows
Greek speaking Jewish Christians scattered to as
far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch telling the
message to Jews only
Other believers, men from Cyprus and Cyrene,
went to Antioch and proclaimed the Good News
about the Lord Jesus to Gentiles also
Results – a great number of people believed and
turned to the Lord
The Church in Antioch Grows
News reached the church in Jerusalem
Barnabas sent to Antioch
Saw how God blessed the people
Glad and urged them all to be faithful and true to
the Lord with all their hearts
A good man,
Full of the Holy Spirit and faith
Many people brought to the Lord
The Church in Antioch Grows
Barnabas went to Tarsus
To look for Saul
Found Saul and took him
to Antioch
Together with Saul met
with the people of the
church and taught a large
group for a whole year
Believers were first called
Christians in Antioch
The Church in Antioch Grows
About that time
Some prophets went from
Jerusalem to Antioch
One to them was Agabus
Stood up and by the power
of the Spirit predicted that
a severe famine was about
to come over all the earth
Foretelling & Forthtelling
Foretelling Forthtelling
Refers to the act of telling Refers to the speaking out of
about events that would an inspired message of
happen in the future encouragement or
V28; 21:10-11 exhortation from God
The Church in Antioch Grows
The disciples decided
Each of them would
send as much as he
could to help their
fellow believers in
Sent the money to the
church elders by
Barnabas and Saul
Possible lessons to be learnt
1. To be faithful and true to the Lord with all our
2. To emulate Barnabas to be a person full of the Holy
Spirit and faith
3. To respond to the Word of God
4. To identify the spiritual gift(s) that God has given us
5. To identify ways we can use our spiritual gifts to
bless the people around us

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