Unit 5 - Invention - Reading

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dolphin submarine

Unit 5: INVENTIONS Part C: Reading

• New words:
• fabric /'fæbrik/ (n):
• spacesuit /'speis'sju:t/ (n):
• inspire /in'spaiə/ (v): =give someone a desire to do
something well
-> inspiration /,inspə'reiʃn/ (n):
• imitate /ˈɪmɪteɪt/ (v)
Hook and loop
• fastener /'fɑ:snə/ (n):
• hook /huk/ (n):
• loop /lu:p/ (n):
->hook and loop fastener (n): =velcro (n)
Match the words with their meanings
a. cloth or material for making clothing,
1. inspire
curtains, etc.
2. fastener b. give someone a desire to do something well
3. fabric c. thread or fiber with a curved end
4. hook d. special clothing for an astronaut
5. loop e. device used to close a piece of clothing

6. spacesuit f. thin thread or fiber in the shape of a circle

Task 1: What is the most suitable title of the text?

A. Mother Nature

B. Imitating Nature

C. Great inventions
Task 2: Read the text and decide whether the statements are
“True” or “False”.
1.Only animals can be ideas for wonderful inventions. F
2. The aero plane has the shape of a bird. T
3. The self-cleaning glass window can wash away the T
dirt in the rain.
4.The engineer who invented Velcro came from England. F
Task 3: Read the text and answer the questions:
1. What are the inventions that imitate animals?
->They are the aeroplane and the submarine.
2. What are the inventions that imitate plants?
-> They are Velcro, the self-cleaning glass window and umbrella
3. Why is the aeroplane considered one of the greatest inventions
in our history?
-> Because it helps people to travel long distances in the air and
has helped to develop trade and tourism.
4. What can help scientists to learn about life under the sea?
->A submarine can help scientists to learn about life under the sea.
Inventions inspired by
(1)natural world

Inventions imitating(2)
____ Inventions imitating (3)

_____( 3)____
(4) aeroplane (6)_____( 5)____
self-cleaning glass window

(7) umbrella
_____( fabric
_____( 4)____
(5) submarine

_____( 7)____
(8) velcro

Create better devices for

our life

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