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Creating Themes in Events

What is a theme?
 Whether it's a conference, product launch,
office party, or a wedding, the theme built around
the event creates coherence, atmosphere, and a
natural structure. A theme gives guests permission
to really become involved on the day and it can
generate plenty of excitement beforehand.
 A theme should reflect the objectives of an event
and unify them. It must reflect the purpose of the
event and embody the brand of its host.
 A theme also lets you make better choices
regarding communication tools and media by
helping to better target its needs, which often
translates into an interesting money saving.
Advantages of using a theme
 Themes Create Buzz
 A well-chosen theme can generate a buzz for any corporate or
social event. Indeed, when communications and event activities
are adapted to the needs and objectives of its guests, they are more
likely to promote them in their own social circles. This can greatly
help in promotional marketing efforts!
 Use of accessories that are interesting to encourage your guests in
engaging and interacting with your theme. Original backdrops for
nice pictures, custom photo booth or structures designed
specifically for your theme can greatly promote social sharing
during the event and ensure audience growth for a future edition.
 Themes Help With the Guest’s Focus
 Themes are not only used to determine the initial tone of an
event, they can also remind the objectives of an encounter
throughout its course.
 Indeed, theme should influence virtually every part of the
event space: the logo, communication media, direction
signs, food, beverages, etc.
 A logo with a strong visual identity and a color scheme that
stands out and decline that easily with your tools to your
different points of contact with your audience. The aim is to
recall the objectives of your event to your audience
everywhere they look.
How to choose an event theme?
 Aim : in order to select a theme it is very
important to know the purpose of the event.
 Audience: the target audience also determines the
type of theme selected. It should be such that
resonates with the audience. For example a dress
party will not work with a bunch of professionals.
 Venue: theme of an event and the venue selected goes hand in
hand. The event venue may either put certain limitations on
the type of theme selected or it may provide new possibilities
for unique themes.
 Budget: highly ambitious themes requiring a lot of décor and
arrangements can get expensive. Budget must always be taken
into account when selecting the event theme.
 Season: Season might not have a huge impact on the theme
but sometimes it needs to be taken into consideration. Also,
sometimes a contrasting theme may work wonders for the
event manager.
Incorporating the Event Theme
 Invitations: theme can very well be reflected in
the invitation card. This provides a glimpse of the
event to the audience.
 Marketing: theme should be a part of all marketing efforts.
Social media is an excellent platform to highlight the event
theme. For example; organizing competitions related to the
theme or giving away goodies to lucky draw winners can
create a lot of buzz.
 Décor: event décor is probably one of the most important
aspect were the theme can be highlighted. Along with the
venue the décor can create the right mood for the event theme.
 Food and drinks: the theme of the event can very well be
highlighted in the correct selection of the menu. The use of
appropriate crockery and cutlery also add to the extra spark.
For example: Rajasthani food served in copper dishes for a
Royal Maharaja theme
 Entertainment/Activities: entertainment organised in the
form of activities and selection of entertainers and speakers
are also important component of the theme.
Themes may be developed around….
 Color
 Era
 Characters
 Festivals
 Locations/places
 Famous incidents/people
 Occupation
 Humor
 Objects
 Emotions
 Etc…etc….etc….
 A theme is not only the creative passion of an event
agency. It allows to convey the objectives of an
event in a playful way and ensures that participants
gather around a common idea. A carefully chosen
theme facilitates networking, learning and can
even achieve the revenue you want for a fundraiser.
The theme allows to summarize in a few words the
objectives of your event and pick up quickly the
attention of your audience target.

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