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• While planning the event, it is worth to use

the SWOT analysis – a simple tool to assess
the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
risks associated with the project. This analysis
can be successfully used in planning events
such as conferences, workshops or training
• These are the features of the project (conference, workshop, training
course) that can contribute to the project’s goal. Think about what is a
strong feature of your event.
• Examples of strengths:
• Exceptional lecturers – if you organize an event and you can offer its
attendees contact with someone who is an authority in a given industry, it
will certainly be your strongest asset.
• Experienced and motivated team – working with people who know what to
do and at the same time work with commitment – regardless of whether
they are volunteers or professional event coordinators – increases the
chance of success of the event.
• Effective solutions for event management – an efficient 
online event registration and payment processing system certainly
supports the success of the event.
• Effective tools for the promotion of events – if you operate in the event
industry, you already know that without marketing in the social media
 promotion isn’t really possible.
• These are the features of the project that can prevent you from achieving
your goals. Think about the weaknesses of your event.
• Examples of weaknesses:
• Lack of sufficient financing for the event – organizing events with the
insufficient budget may contribute to its failure. Check if you have the
right buffer in case of unforeseen expenses.
• Inexperienced event team – if there is a large staff turnover in your event
team, this is definitely a weak side. You have to start working on it ASAP.
There is nothing worse for an event than an inexperienced, uninformed
employee on the first line of contact with your client.
• Inefficient registration and event management system – check whether
the system you use is efficient. If it hangs up, runs slowly, loses data, can’t
handle immense Internet traffic or is complicated, it is time to change it.
• These are external factors that can be helpful in achieving
project goals.
• Examples of Opportunities:
• Little competition – if you operate in a niche market, you have
the chance to strengthen your position and prepare for the
times when your competitors become strong.
• Favorable economic conditions – the market situation is your
ally, use it to prepare for potential “bad times”.
• Support from local authorities – if you have the opportunity to
cooperate with local governments or local respected NGO’s it is
great! Use this chance to work on the image of both, the event
and your company.
• These are external factors that may prove detrimental to
the achievement of the project’s goals.
• Examples of threats:
• Strong competition – this isn’t a reason to give up
organizing events in a given industry, but it can be a
significant factor affecting the achievement of your goal.
• Bad weather – this is a particularly serious threat when
organizing an outdoor event.
• Unprepared infrastructure – choosing the place of the
event, which is still “under construction”, but for the time
of the event is to be ready, may expose you to great risk.
SWOT in practice
• First of all – identify the strengths and
weaknesses of your event and also the
opportunities that you can use and the threats
that can stand in the way of achieving your
• Secondly – put the collected information in
the SWOT table
• Thirdly – answer the questions:
Will you be able to use indicated strengths to
take advantage of the opportunities?
Will it be easier to overcome the threats thanks
to the indicated strengths?
Do the indicated weaknesses prevent you from
seizing opportunities?
Do the indicated weaknesses expose the event to
• Fourthly – start planning.

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