Hole Cleaning - Future Work

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Features to work on

1. Calculating BCG own SPP theoretical curve with BHA input

2. Calculating BCG own theoretical Hookload FF and torque FF curves e.g., based
on Johancsik et al. 1984, Exxon Mobil
3. Calculating cuttings carrying index for wellbore less than 35deg
4. Plotting the FF curve data in time domain for better comparisons like for back
5. Plotting and comparing the back reaming torques to reduce the time spent on it
6. Generating alerts for motor stall during slide drilling
7. Calculating SPP for drilling mode and generating alerts
• Generating tripping roadmaps for drilling and casing
• Plotting tripping data on roadmaps for drilling and casing
• Generating alarms for tripping operation
• Plotting results for helical buckling, von mises stress
• Calculating MSE and plotting the result
• Plotting inclination graph for better comparisons
• Keep working on ML for different curves to reduce false positive for
alarms and generate alarms based on actual drilling data

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