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Learning More About

Andres Berrios-Zayas
July 27th 2021
OGL 482
Professor Andi Hess
The following presentation will be a self-reflection and
analysis of myself. This analysis will identify
characteristics and values that describe who I am as a
Research Process and Methods
● Gathering data from OGL 482 and previous courses to begin coding
was the first step.
● Collecting substantial data early on helped the coding process be
more efficient. Saving time in data collection allowed more time for
myself analysis.
● Looking at each resource for similar themes and grouping is the first
step. Creating general codes and breaking them up even further
generated the following themes.
● Challenges I faced in this processes were looking at my work under an
analytical lens. Analysing my life themes without simply repeating my
own assumptions proved quite challenging.
My Data Sources
A majority of my data sources are
from OGL 482, 320, 300, and
additional self-assessments
completed in these courses.
These organizational leadership
courses all mainly focused on self
assessing one's leadership
capabilities and how we have
developed those skills.

Top Right Image: Kuder Assessment Career

Interest; highlights areas where my skills are
inlign with.

Bottom Right Image: Kuder Skills Interest; depicts

what skills I am strongest in and how they can be
applied to problem solving.
Data Sources
● OGL 482 Yellowdigs Unit 1 (YU1)- This discussion I highlight how I planned my proposal and what management tools I
had to use to create m ideal proposal.
● OGL 482 Yellowdigs Unit 2 (YU2)- This discussion I discuss the advantages of emotional intelligence being utilized by
leaders. I reflect on my own development and practice of emotional intelligence and how it has helped my leadership
● OGL 482 Yellowdigs Unit 3 (YU3)- This discussion I discuss errors I have seen in different organizations. Mainly looking at
failed celebrations of diversity and what impact this has on employees and the organization. Understanding how
organizations can incorporate culture to create a productive environment for employees.
● OGL 300 Module Discussion 2 (MD2)- My definition and discussion of emotional intelligence and how use it to help other
succeed. To understand how to use emotional intelligence I also discuss the negative impacts seen from leaders with low
emotional intelligence.
● OGL 320 Project Management Skills Essay (PMSE)- Understanding how emotion and communication can harm or
benefit a project management's ability to lead their team was the focus for this essay. Followed by what aspect I felt I
needed to further develop based on my own project management experience.
● Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment (KSCA)- Online assessment of my confidence or interest in particular skills.
Calculated into a final Holland Code that ranks what areas I felt most to least confident in.
● Kuder Career Interest Assessment (KCIA)- Online assessment of my interest in different skills, activities, or general
job descriptions. This also calculated a Holland Code result that provide ranking for what career areas i would find
most interesting.
● Interview Project (IP)- Interviewing people from my professional and work life I gathered multiple perspectives about
how my leadership skills have developed or need to improve.
● DISC Assessment (DISC)- Assessment that analyzes my areas of strength. The collected data is used to formulate my
"DISC" that highlight my strength and weakness.
● Super Work Values Assessment (SWVA)- Assessment that looked at what I valued most in from my work. This highlights
also potential careers that include the same values I value the most.
● OGL 300 Paper 2 (P2)- I analysed characteristics that are most commonly identified for leadership skills. I develop on
those skills with which ones I found to be the most critical to be considered a good leader. I elaborate further on how I can
incorporate these skills into my leadership practices.
My 10 Themes
Emotional intelligence, confidence, problem-solving,communication,
diversity, collaboration, supervision, planning, interpersonal skills, and
work life balance are the ten themes I will use to analyze my
Theme 1: Emotional Intelligence
●Theme Statement
○Being aware of other emotions, aware of my own emotions, and applying this
knowledge to my work and personal life is a central theme in my life.

●Supporting Data
○Awareness of other emotional needs and how to avoid triggering "bad" emotions and
elicit "good" emotions (YU2).
○"This ability is useful for understanding, expressing, perceiving, and managing
emotions" (MD2).
○Mindful of how my attitude can impact employees I aim for a positive attitude to
encourage others to also embody a positive attitude (PMSE).
○Striving for better productivity I am mindful of my employees emotions and try to
alleviate negative emotions quickly (PMSE).
○Successful leaders remain in control of their emotions better prepares them for
different situations (MD2).
Theme 1: Emotional Intelligence con’t
● Contradictory Evidence
○ While my awareness of others emotions and my own I need to be wary of one thing. I
can become blinded to solutions when I become frustrated or angry. Controlling
these emotions and maintaining a clear mind is a skill I am still developing.

● Reflection
○ Using emotional intelligence in my work and personal life has provided with
advantages. I have been able to better understand what is impacting my employees
which in turn can impact their performance. While I am highly aware of others
emotions learning how to use this knowledge in different aspects is something I am
still developing. Among family and friends I have been able to better understand their
perspectives when we discuss personal matters.
Theme 2: Confidence
● Theme Statement
○ With multiple areas I need to develop, confidence was frequently discussed. Leaning on my
abilities and trusting that I have the needed skills to achieve my goals has been something I
lack confidence in.

● Supporting Data:
○ Through the Kuder Skills Confidence assessment I was shocked to I placed highly in a
majority of skill areas. Remaining mindful that I do have the capability and skills I just need
confidence in myself (KSCA).
○ Interviewing Javier and Clarissa highlighted that I have the skills to achieve my goals but my
confidence is lacking (IP).
○ Work decision are often unaffected by my lack of confidence as I make up for it in making
quick decisions. This has impact how often I make the correct decision and may cause more
work down the line if I made a poor decision quickly (IP).
○ Being perceived as confident can also better my employee and business relationships.
Building a strong company beings with a confident leader that employees can be inspired by
○ The DISC assessment also reiterated that confidents is my lowest ranking area in both my
professional and personal life (DISC).
Theme 2: Confidence cont'
● Contradictory Evidence
○ Looking at the data this is what I had expected in my self-confidence. I doubt my
abilities and let other lead me more often than I should. Working at being a lead
myself I need to gain confidence that I have the necessary skills.
● Reflection
○ Strengthen my confidence in my abilities will have main positive impacts on my
professional and personal life. I have the skills needed to achieve my professional
goals. Whether it's in my current position or a new company having confidence in
myself will enhance all of my strengthens.
Theme 3: Problem-Solving
● Theme Statement
○ Through self assessments and interviews problem-solving is a skill I thought I had fully developed. It is
clear now that this is an area where I have much more room for improvement if I am going to meet my
professional goals.
● Supporting Data
○ To further my career improving how realistic I am when addressed different problems. Learning how to
create concrete solutions that can be applied easily to a situation would be and area I am ready to
improve (KSCA).
○ Interviewees expressed similar areas needing improvement for my ability to problem solve both
realistically and creatively (IP).
○ Focusing on creating clear solutions that are easily implemented rather that I can follow through with (IP).
○ Kuder Career assessment highlights that my realistic problem solving is my weakest area compared to
other areas. (KCIA).
○ As a supervision have structured, practical, concrete solution helps expresses my expectations for
employees (KCIA).
● Contradictory Evidence
○ While I lack strengthening in realistic problem solving I am highly capable at investigative problem solving.
Gather information or data and analysing that to create the best possible solution is one of my strongest
areas in the Kuder Career Interest Assessments.
● Reflection
○ Equipping myself self to manage a variety of situations is an area of improvement I have been
strengthening. With practice I feel that I will be able to analysis different situations and address them as
according to that given situation appropriately. There may be failure but there can be no improvement
without some risk.
Theme 4: Communication
● Theme Statement
○ Properly expressing my intention, idea, vision, or expectations are vial as a leader. Communicating with
employees, clients, friends, or family apart of our lives constantly. This theme highlights where I need
● Supporting Data
○ Communicating my vision or idea and allowing others to execute them is ranked as one of my lowest
scores in the Kuder skills and interest assessment (KSIA).
○ Majority of my top skills require little or no involvement with others. This has made me grow accustomed
to minimal communication (DISC).
○ Among work peers my communication lacks which results in repetition or others becoming involved so
they can express for me my thoughts (PMSE).
○ Communicating to different group requires different methods of communication. Differentiating the best
way to communicate between employees or clients is vital for leaders (PMSE).
○ I can easily get to know people on a personal or social level but when professionalism I struggle to
maintain a professional demeanor. at my current position this has yet to cause problems but if I plan to
move further up in the company this will be a vital skill (DISC).
● Contradictory Evidence
○ The difference in my personal communication and professional communication should be noted. Among
peers I easily communicate about a variety of topics. Professional communication requires very social
skills. This is an area my boss mentioned as a weakness in our interview as well.
● Reflection
○ Communication is a skill that I will use throughout my entire life. Properly utilizing this skill will help me
advance my career either in my current company or future opportunities.
Theme 5: Diversity
●Theme Statement
○ Organization with a diverse culture should celebrate and encouraged. Diversity can help
organizations look at problems through a different lens or appeal to a wider demographic.
Understand how companies fail or succeed at fostering diversity will help strengthen my leadership.
●Supporting Data
○ JCPenney lack awareness that their perpetuated hispanic stereotypes during a holiday part. Mainly
employees filed complaint and lead to diversity awareness trainings company wide (YU2).
○ Working with a diverse team allows me to draw upon different perspectives and collaborate to reach
our common goal (PMSE).
○ Coming from Puerto Rico I have grown up highly aware of the cultural differences here in America.
This has helped me work with different cultures and adapt to different situations easily (PMSE).
○ Ensure others are mindful and respectful of other cultures in the rok place is a leaders responsibility.
How I treat different cultures set the stand for my employees (YU3).
○ Continuously adapting to diversity in the workplace ensure your organization is better equipped for
different challenges (MD2).
● Contradictory Evidence
○ Looking back when I have witnessed stereotyping, like at JCPenney's, I could have taken action.
Whether it is speaking to my manager or HR remaining silent when others are being represented
inappropriately enable the behavior to continue. Looking forward I can correct others when they are
stereotyping cultures rather than being a bystander.
○ Leaders are at the forefront for creating a diverse workplace. I have seen companies disrespect their
employees culture and the repercussions or their actions. Being mindful my treatment of different
cultures is important skill.
Theme 6: Collaboration
● Theme Statement
○ Having a team collaborate and achieve their common goal is a leader's responsibility. Through
my experience collaboration leads to better results compared to working independently.
● Supporting Data
○ Proposing to my fiance required my friends to collaborate with me and create my final plan for
popping the question (YU1).
○ They were incredible flexible with meet my timeline for when and where I wanted to propose
and helped include cast members to create a magical experience (YU1).
○ Adapting to sudden changes in plan can be difficult but with multiple people working collectively
a solution is much easier to find. Last minute for my propose I decided to buy a tiara to help
distract my finance. This caused a detour in our original plan but my friends helped hunt down
a tiara (YU1).
○ Working with team members and think of new solutions was placed in my top scores from
Hollard personality assessment (DISC).
○ I highly values my co-workers and any ideas or contribution they bring to team projects (SWVA).
● Contradictory Evidence
○ I highly value others contributions to team projects. Respecting others ideas can help generate
more creative solutions (Holland).
● Reflection
○ When approaching difficult problems or areas I personally do not have the skill for I know the
best method is to collaborate with others. People are one of the best resources businesses have
to offer. Even when asking friends for their thoughts on a given problem is using collaboration.
Theme 7: Supervision
● Theme Statement
○ Having clear mentorship and guidance from my supervisors has been very important to me.
Learning from them to become a leader myself and gaining hands on experience with their
● Supporting Data
○ My work values top score is supervision where I feel comfortable with my boss and feel
recognized as a person (SWVA).
○ Careers where supervisor stand behind their employees and offer needed support highly
align with my work values (SWVA).
○ Working with supervisions that do not offer support for the employs results in feeling more
dissatisfied with the organization (KSCA).
○ Being able to shadow supervisors and receive constructive feedback motivates me to improve
my work performance (IP).
○ Learning to give my own employees the support they need is the next step I need to focus and
practice (IP).
● Contradictory Evidence
○ Being support and valued is an indicator of how long I will remain with any given organization.
JCPenney lacked employee support from supervisors and this lead to high turnover rates.
Working at JB Superior there is a strong support system that helps retain employees.
● Reflection
○ Knowing the value I place on supervision and managerial support I will be able to incorporate
this in my future career standards. Looking for career opportunities that provided employees
support and mentorship will be a key factor for my career satisfaction.
Theme 8: Planning
● Theme Statement
○ Preparation and execution for tasks is a vital role I play as a supervisor. Creating clear project
plans that employees can follow has been a skill I have worked to develop.
● Supporting Data
○ Interviewees marked planning as one of my weakest points as a leader. Clarity and execution
needs to be improved before I can assume more responsibility (IP).
○ Client relationships can be threatened by poorly prepared projects. Preventing this with
appropriate planning is vital in my current position (IP).
○ Creating and applying clear guideline is ranked as one of my lower career interests (KCIA).
○ Working with multiple client for different project purposes it is important to maintain an
organized procedure to enable employees to work efficiently and keep clients happy (KSCA).
○ Look to supervisors for advice on project plans can help strengthen my clarity and organization
● Contradictory Evidence
○ I am know in my personal life as the unorganized or no plan kind of guy. Planning out vacations
or even my weekend is not appealing to me. This has translated into my work performance as
discussed in the interview project.
● Reflection
○ Building my skills to be better plan and implement project plans can greatly improve my work
evaluations. Employees will also have clearer guidelines for day-today expectations and project
Theme 9: Interpersonal Skills
● Theme Statement
○ Working in a client need based industry the relationship yu build can help make or break your
company. I have always been a highly social person which has helped me create these relationships.
● Supporting Data
○ Working to develop and maintain relationships both in work and personal relationships I have
developed good listening and communication skills (DISC).
○ Managing people and learning how to influence their behavior can help leaders strengthen their
organization (DISC).
○ Improving teamwork among my co-supervisor has helped streamline company functions (IP).
○ The relationships built between leaders and team members can help create an empowering
company culture (P2).
○ Companies that desire to expand need a positive culture between leaders and employees or there
will be high turnover rates and negativity (P2).
● Contradictory Evidence
○ Interviewing my boss he felt our professional relationship was very positive. However, I often find it
very difficult to work with my co-supervisor. At times this has impacted our work performance but I
continue to try maintain a positive working relationship.
● Reflection
○ I have always been capable at building personal relationships throughout my childhood. Applying
this to my career I have the skills to help build our clientele with the ended goal of expanding our
business. Working with people I might not quite enjoy I have begun to learn how to maintain a
working relationship.
Theme 10: Work-life Balance
●Theme Statement
○ Maintaining a balance between work and life can feel trick. Separating these two worlds in a way that
your able to switch between both can feel impossible. In the longer run have a health balance benefits
both your personal and work life.
●Supporting Data
○ Apart of my Puerto Rican culture is that we are all a collective. Growing up work was left outside of the
home which has taught me to do the same (KCIA).
○ Roted to my community and family I have chosen career opportunities that will keep me close to home
even if there was opportunity for raises or promotion (CAA).
○ Starting my own family I expressed to my fiance that I intend to stay fairly close to my family in Arizona as
I have lived in the Valley since 2003 (CAA).
○ As a teenager I mainly experienced short-term employment. Now that I am starting my own family and
looking towards the future for my career I am goal oriented to find long-term employment (KSIA).
○ Dedicating set times to focus only on work or family helps balance the needs for both worlds (P2).
● Contradictory Evidence
○ This is a theme that has been taught to my through my parents example. There never was work being
done in the home which help teach me that there needs to be a boundary. Allowing work into the home
is not necessarily a problem but managing to dedicate time to family will be impacted.
○ As I start my own family work-life balance will be come increasingly more important. I will need to
practice dedicating my time fully to either family or work in the appropriate situations. Letting either
impact my performance as husband or leader will require me to re-evaluate how I balance work and
My Personal Vision Statement

Looking forward in my career I will aspire to follow my core

principles and values to create a positive culture within the
company and between employees.
My Personal Mission Statement

I am dedicated to sharpening my leadership skills to become

better prepared for the variety of situations I will face as I push
to advance my career
Through this experience I learned two main things. My
personal values and beliefs influence my career choices more
than I was aware. Looking for companies that supports a
diverse team and follow an ethical guideline are large factors
when considering joining that company. Secondly, I have much
more work to do as a leader. Getting out of my comfort zone
and pushing myself in my weaker areas will help build my
management skills.
OGL 482 Yellowdigs Unit 1 (2021) https://college-of-integrative-sciences-and-
OGL 482 Yellowdigs Unit 2 (2021)https://college-of-integrative-sciences-and-
OGL 482 Yellowdigs Unit 3 (2021)https://college-of-integrative-sciences-and-
OGL 300 Module Discussion 2 (2021)
OGL 320 Project Management Skills Essay (2019)
Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment (2021)
Kuder Career Interest Assessment (2021)
Interview Project (2021)
DISC Assessment (2021)
Super Work Values Assessment (2021)
OGL 300 Paper 2 (2020)

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