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Evidence of Learning

Differentiated Instruction
Block Schedules Cooperative
Functions Learning

Learning Styles
Design Proficiency
3 Modes of Communication

Standards Contextualized
Parents Instruction
Multiple Intelligences
Requirements Higher order thinking

Vocabulary Blooms Taxonomies

 Gain some knowledge of Language Learning
Strategies (LLS)
 Re-Activate knowledge of Learning Styles
 Learn 20 LL Strategies
 Link LLS to Instruction
 Apply LLS in developing lessons

Sailing the 5 Cs with Learning Strategies
Language Learning Strategies
Why teach them?
LLS instruction focuses on making the students
more active learners by teaching them how to
learn and how to use what they have learned,
and be more successful second language
What are learner strategies for?

for enhancing learning.

for performing specified tasks.
for solving specific problems.
for compensating for a deficit in learning.
for making learning easier, faster, more
Distinct from Learning Styles
 learner's
"natural, habitual, and
preferred way(s) of absorbing,
processing, and retaining new
information and skills" (Reid, 1995, p. viii)
Take 5 minutes to fill
out the survey.
Language Learning Strategies
“specific actions, behaviors, steps, or
techniques that students (often intentionally)
use to improve their progress in developing L2
skills. These strategies can facilitate the
internalization, storage, retrieval, or use of the
new language. Strategies are tools for the self-
directed involvement necessary for developing
communicative ability.” (Oxford, 1992/1993, p. 18)
National Standards
Students who use learning strategies
effectively begin to see themselves as
language learners and take on more
responsibility for their own learning. Learning
strategies benefit all students since even those
who use some strategies effectively can be
taught additional ones. (Standards, p. 30-31)
When you learned your L2,
what strategies did you use?
Take 2 minutes to think about some
strategies you personally use.

Then talk with your table group for 5

Some strategies
 Highlighting  Graphic organizers
 Listening to media  Draw pictures
 Peer tutors  Physical gestures
 Study groups  Flashcards
 Color Coding  Mnemonic devices
 Self Talk  Note taking
 Visual imagery  Paired items
Why Use Strategies?
 learner-centered and allow learners to become
more self-directed
 expand your role as the language teacher
 are problem-oriented
 involve many aspects, not just the cognitive
 can be taught
 are flexible
 are influenced by a variety of factors
(Oxford, 1990, p. 9)
Why are these important?
 “… they are tools for active, self-directed
involvement, which is essential for
developing communicative competence”
(Oxford, 1990)

 “…help students become better language

learners.” Graham (1997)
Strategies they use…

Students are already using strategies to learn

language and to learn in other subjects. However,
many of them are not conscious of the techniques
they are using. By explicitly identifying learning
strategies as learners use them, you can
empower learners to use these strategies more
effectively and in a wider context.
How Teachers Can Help
 Identify students’ learning styles and
current strategies through surveys,
interviews, etc.
 Help students discern the most relevant
LLS for their learning style, tasks, and
 Aid students in systematically using them
Building Students’ Repertoire
Metacognitive - reflecting upon your learning
•Organize/Plan Your Own Learning
• Manage Your Own Learning
• Monitor Your Own Learning
• Evaluate Your Own Learning

Task-Based - use their own resources to learn

most effectively
•Strategies That Use What You Know
•Strategies That Use Your Imagination
•Strategies That Use Your Organizational Skills
•Strategies That Use a Variety of Resources
Metacognitive Strategies
Organize/Plan •Plan the task or content sequence.
•Set goals.
•Plan how to accomplish the task.

Manage your own •Determine how you learn best.

•Arrange conditions that help you learn.
learning •Seek opportunities for practice.
•Focus your attention on the task.
Metacognitive Strategies
Monitor While working on a task:
Check your progress on the task.
Check your comprehension as you use the
language. Are you understanding?
Check your production as you use the language.
Are you making sense?
Evaluate After completing a task:
Assess how well you have accomplished the
learning task.
Assess how well you have applied the strategies.
Decide how effective the strategies were in
helping you accomplish the task.
Task-Based: Use What you Know

Use Background Think about and use what you already

Knowledge know to help you do the task.
Make associations.

Make Inferences Use context and what you know to figure

out meaning.

Make Anticipate information to come.

Predictions Make logical guesses about what will
Personalize Relate new concepts to your own life, that
is, to your experiences, knowledge, beliefs
and feelings.
Sample Anticipation Chart

Before After
reading reading


1. Elephants have a great sense

of smell.

2. Elephants can see well.

3. Elephants can feel the

vibrations of the ground.

4. Elephants can hear and make

high sounds that people can’t
Task-Based: Use What you Know

Transfer Apply your linguistic knowledge of other

and/or languages (including your native language)
to the target language.
Use Cognates Recognize cognates.

Substitute Think of a similar word or descriptive phrase

or Paraphrase for words you do not know in the target
Task-Based: Use your Imagination

Use Imagery Use or create an image to understand

and/or represent information.

Act out and/or imagine yourself in different

Use Real roles in the target language.
Objects/Role Manipulate real objects as you use the
target language.
Task-Based: Use your
Organizational Skills
Find/Apply Apply a rule.
Patterns Make a rule.
Sound out and apply letter/sound rules.

Group Relate or categorize words or ideas

Classify according to attributes.

Use Graphic Use or create visual representations (such

Organizers as Venn diagrams, timelines, and charts) of
important relationships between concepts.
Take Notes Write down important words and ideas.
Task-Based: Use your
Organizational Skills
Summarize Create a mental, oral, or written summary of

Use Selective Focus on specific information, structures,

Attention key words, phrases,or ideas.
Task-Based: Use a Variety of
Access Use the dictionary, the Internet, and other
Information reference materials.
Follow a model.
Sources Ask questions.

Cooperate Work with others to complete tasks, build

confidence, and give and receive feedback.

Talk Yourself Use your inner resources. Reduce your

Through It anxiety by reminding yourself of your
progress, the resources you have available,
(Self Talk) and your goals.
Determining Success!
Knowing Learning Style

Applying Appropriate
Learning Strategies

Accomplishing the
Integrating LLS with Instruction
Effective strategies instruction is not an "add-on" or a
separate content area; rather, strategies instruction
is used to support language learning and to
accomplish authentic, meaningful language tasks.
Although some initial explanations are needed,
most strategies instruction should occur while you
are working on language tasks.
LLS and the 3 Modes
 Interpersonal
 Interpretive
 Presentational

 & Culture!
Interpersonal Mode
Sample Activity Strategy
Talk with a partner about Cooperate: Work together to keep the
things you do at home. conversation going. When you are trying to think of
a word, let your partner suggest vocabulary you
can use. If your partner has trouble, help by
offering what you know how to say. Helping each
other learn will make the process more fun.
Use new vocabulary Look at the vocabulary list for cognates, words
related to school that are similar to the English names of school
subjects to interview a subjects. Check your understanding of the words
classmate about likes with the glossary and ask your classmate about
and dislikes. the classes they like or dislike. Notice how the
words may have a different stress or pronunciation
in the foreign language, so you won’t pronounce
them the same way as in English.
Interpretive Mode
Sample Activity Strategy
Listen to a dialogue Use what you know about dating to help you
about making a date. understand the dialogue. For example, there are
different ways to ask if someone is free on a certain
date in English. How do speakers of your foreign
language handle the situation? Notice how the
speakers make a request and respond to a request for
a date
Read a travel brochure. Begin reading the brochure and stop periodically to see
Answer questions about if you are understanding what you are reading. Stop to
the place in the monitor your progress frequently. If you don’t
brochure. understand, access resources such as the glossary,
your notes, or your dictionary.
Presentational Mode
Sample Activity Strategy

Create and perform a skit Stop for a moment to encourage yourself. Tell
about ordering in a French yourself that you can do this assignment because
restaurant. you have good strategies for language learning.
You can use cooperating as you work with a
classmate to plan the skit. You can use what
you know as you remember phrases in French
to talk about food, drinks, and money. You can
monitor as you practice the skit to check if you
can understand the lines you and your classmate
write. When problems come up, you can access
resources to get the help you need.
Culture: Practices/Perspectives
Sample Activity Strategy
After listening to a As you listen to the description of the wedding,
dialogue about a create an image of the ceremony in your mind.
wedding in Mexico, list
the practices you learned
about and talk about
what this tells you
Mexican culture.
Read a magazine article Use the headline, photo, caption, and key words to
about Austrian sports infer what the article will focus on. As you read,
and write a summary check to see if what you inferred matches
about what types of information in the article.
sports they play in
Culture: Products/Perspectives
Sample Activity Strategy
Write a description of a Search the Web for French works of art. Museum
French work of art. websites are frequently valuable sources of
Discuss why this painting information about art.
was influential to French
Read a magazine article Before reading, brainstorm what you already
about current fashion know about fashion and French fashion in
trends in Paris. particular. For example, what clothing names do
you know in French? How about colors? Apply
what you know to help you understand the article.
 http://www.metamath
.com/multiple/multiple_choice_questions.html DVC Learning
Style Survey for College has a good introduction, four categories of
styles (visual/verbal; visual nonverbal; tactile/kinesthetic;
auditory/verbal), and a self-assessment web-based tool.
Results/scores are based upon 32 questions.
 Index
of Learning Styles Questionnaire: (Felder/Silverman) introduction,
learning preferences on four dimensions (active/reflective,
sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal, and sequential/global); and a self-
assessment instrument self-scored. Results/scores are based upon 44
Your Task (between now & 11:00)
 Form groups of 3 by language and level
 Define language lesson objectives to
include a real-life cultural/social situation
 Decide what strategies students will be
able to use by the end of the lesson and
self-evaluate. List strategies objectives.
 List materials. Create samples of any
worksheets/graphic organizers that will be needed.
 Sequence of Activities:
 Presentation: At least one step-by-step activity that
describes how you will model your expectations and
learning strategies.
 Practice: in which students use the language to achieve
the communicative objectives using strategies you
 Debriefing/Self Evaluation: students reflect and share
their strategies for learning.

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