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Gas Exchange

• Animals need a supply of O2 and a means of expelling

• They are the reactants and products of cellular

Burning man

Water vs. air as a medium
• Water • Air
• Keeps the cells moist • Higher conc. of O2
• Lower oxygen • Faster diffusion
concentration than air • Needs less ventilation
• Concentration varies • Water is lost by
more evaporation
• Water is heavier • So lungs have to be
• Cells are aquatic
• O2 has to be dissolved across a
respiratory surface to get to cells
• O2 can diffuse through a few mm of cells
• If a part of your body is more than a few
mm thick then you need a way to carry the
• Need a large respiratory surface area
• Skin breathers
• Earthworms
– Keep moist skin and exchanges gas across
its entire surface
• Amphibians
– Supplement their lungs/gills
Form and function
• Depends on terrestrial/aquatic
• Simple animals have nearly every plasma
membrane in contact with the outside
– Protozoans
– Sponges
– Cnidarians
– Flat worms
• Lungs/gills
– Highly folded or branched body region
– Allow a large surface area
• Gills
– External
– Problem of losing water due to osmolarity
• Lungs
– Internal
– Allow use of air as a medium
– Terrestrial life poses problem of dessication
• Invertebrates can have simple gills
– Echinodermata: have simple flaps over much of their
– Crustaceans: have regionalized gills
• Ventilation: have to keep water moving over the
gills, either by paddling water in or staying on
the move
– This requires energy
– Gill slits of fish are believed to be evolutionary
ancestors of Eustachian tubes
Gills in a Tuna head
Invertebrate gills
Countercurrent exchange
• Speeds transfer of O2 to blood
• Blood and water move toward each other
in gills so as blood is more loaded with O2
its running into water with even more O2
dissolved so it can take on the maximum
– Gills can remove 80% of the oxygen from the
water passing over it
• Spiracles are holes all over an insects
• From the spiracles, tubes branch out
• Finest branches (0.001mm) reach every
• Insects still have circulatory system to
carry other materials
Giant insects
• By flexing they compress and expand the
tracheae like a bellows
• However insects can’t be too big because
the oxygen can’t diffuse far enough
• But ancient insects were large. How?
• Dense networks of capillaries under
epithelium forms the respiratory surface
• Snails: Internal mantle
• Spiders: book lungs
• Frogs: balloon like lungs
• Vertebrates: Highly folded epithelium
– Humans (~ 100m2 surface area)
• Enclosed by double walled sac whose
layers are stuck together by surface
tension, allowing them to slide past each
• System of branching ducts
• Nasal cavity  pharnyx  open glotis 
larynx (voicebox)  trachea (windpipe) 
2 bronchi (bronchus)  many bronchioles
 cluster of air sacs called alveoli
Ventilating the Lungs
• Frogs use Positive pressure breathing:
gulp air and push it down
• Mammals: negative pressure breathing
– Suction pulls air down into a vacuum
– During exercise rib muscles pull up ribs
increasing lung volume, and lowering
– But ribs are only ~ 1/3 of Shallow breathing
• Sheet of muscle at bottom of thoracic
• During inhalation: it descends
• During exhalation: it contracts
• Tidal volume: The volume of air
– ~500 ml in humans
• Tidal capacity: maximum volume
– ~3400 ml for girls 4800ml for boys
• Residual volume: air left in alveoli after
• Medulla oblongata/ pons
– Negative feedback loop: when stretched too
much lungs send message back to brain to
– CO2 levels are monitored in brain
• CO2 dissolves in water and forms carbonic acid
with sodium carbonate salts
• More carbonic acid lowers pH and the medulla
responds by increasing depth and rate of breathing
• Trick the brain by
purging blood of CO2
so breathing slows
Loading/Unloading gases
• Substances diffuse down the Conc. Grad.
• In the atmo. There’s 760 mmHg of gas
• O2 is 21% of this so 0.21 x 760 = 159
• This is the partial pressure of oxygen PO2
• CO2 partial pressure(PCO2): 0.23
• Liquids in contact with air have the same
partial pressure
• Blood at lung: high PCO2 and low PO2
• At lungs CO2 diffuses out and O2 diffuses
• Now blood has a low PCO2 and high PO2
• In cells doing respiration there is a high
PCO2 and low PO2 so the CO2 diffuses into
blood and O2 diffuses into the cells
Respiratory pigments
• Colored by metals
• Invertebrates have hemocyanin which
uses copper making blood blue
• Vertebrates: hemoglobin uses iron to carry
the oxygen. Each hemoglobin can carry 4
O2s, each blood cell has many
If blood is red why do your veins
look blue?
• Blood = red in its oxy’d form (i.e., leaving the lungs),
– hemoglobin is bound to oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin.
• dark red in deox’d form (i.e., returning to the lungs),
– hemoglobin is bound to carbon dioxide to form
• Veins appear blue because light,
penetrating the skin, is absorbed and
reflected back to the eye.
• Only higher energy wavelengths are seen. And higher
energy wavelengths are what we call "blue."

• From

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