Sources of Energy: Class - V

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Class - v
• We perform different activities everyday like playing,
running, swimming, driving etc., these require energy.
• Energy moves a car or truck on the road, it also
enable us to move from one place to another and
perform our work.
• We get energy from the food we eat. Different
machines use different form of energy to do work.
• Energy is defined as the capacity or ability to do work.
• They can be obtained from different
• The substances which provides energy is
called source of energy.
• Based on the sources there are :-
• Renewable source of energy and
• non-renewable source of energy.
Renewable source of energy
• The source of energy which are constantly replenished /
regenerated by nature and would last for a very long period of
time are called renewable source of energy.
• They can be used continuously and regularly.
• Renewable literally means 'to make new again‘. Any resource
that naturally replenishes with time.

1. Solar energy
2. Wind energy
3. Hydro electricity
4. Geothermal energy
Non-renewable source of energy
• The sources of energy which are found in
limited and fixed amount in nature and would
be finished if used continuously and non-
• Dead plants and animals get buried under Earth
over large period of time & gets converted into
• This is known as fossil fuel and are present
inside Earth in limited amount.
Fossil fuel
Forms of Energy.
• Energy exist in different forms in nature.
I. Mechanical energy
II. Wind energy
III. Heat energy
IV. Light energy
V. Chemical energy
VI. Sound energy
VII.Electrical energy
VIII.Magnetic energy
• The amount of energy present in anything depends
upon its shape, position or state.
• A truck moving at high speed when collided with
motorist causes major injury because moving truck
have large amount of energy.
• In a same way when a catapult is stretched it can
throw small stones forward. This is because of the
• Mechanical energy is of two type : kinetic energy and
potential energy.
Kinetic Energy
• The kinetic energy of an object is the energy
that it possesses due to its motion.
• Example:-
• Ball thrown at batsmen
• Bullet fired from gun
• Moving bus
Moving bullet have kinetic energy stored in it.
Potential energy
• An object can store energy as a result of its
position. In the case of a bow and an arrow,
when the bow is drawn, it stores some
amount of energy, which is responsible for the
kinetic energy it gains, when released. 
• The energy stored in body due to its position
is known as potential energy.
Potential energy due to position
of arrow
Potential energy

Potential energy

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Kinetic energy

• It is one of the various forms of energy.

The energy present in the flow of wind,
used by wind turbines is called wind
• This energy is a major cheap source to
produce electricity. In this phenomena,
the kinetic energy of the wind is
converted into mechanical power.
• Wind is caused due to unequal heating
of land and water bodies by the sun.
• The kinetic energy of wind is used to
generate wind energy from a windmill.
Heat energy
• Heat is a form of energy that provide us sensation
of warmth.
• It helps to keep our body warm.
• It is used for cooking food, drying wet clothes.
• It is obtained from sun, firewood, electric heater
• In the winter season, you must have seen people
sitting around fire.
Light energy
• Light is a form of energy that
produces sensation of sight.
• It makes things visible. We cannot
see object in dark/night.
• Plant uses light to prepare food
during photosynthesis.
• The sun is main source of light
We can also get light from bulb, lamp etc.
Chemical energy
• Food provide us energy to do work.
• The energy stored in food is chemical energy.
• The energy which is stored in matter is known
as chemical energy.
• Cells and batteries also have chemical energy.
• The chemical energy can be changed into
other form of energy (electrical energy).
Energy is stored in the form of
Sound energy
• Have you heard ringing a bell in our school?
• Have you heard loud speaker in party?
• Sound is produced by vibration of molecule.
• Sound energy exert force, you must have felt it
when standing near loud speaker.
• Musical instrument like guitar, sitar, tabla
produces melodious sound.
• Moving car and buses also produces sound.
Electrical energy
• It is also form of energy used by us for different
purpose like heating, lighting, cooking, etc.
• It help us to operate television, computer,
electric car, home appliances like iron,
refrigerator etc.
• The source of this energy are batteries,
hydroelectricity, electric generator, dynamo etc.

Magnetic energy
• You must have used magnet while
playing with friends.
• You might have noticed magnet
attracts iron.
• This is because of the energy stored
in the magnet.
• Thus, The attracting force of
magnet on the other material like
iron is called magnetic energy.
• This energy is of great importance
as it can lift very heavy load and
iron blocks.
Magnetic crane
Transformation of energy
• The energy of one form can be changed into
another form by various process.
• When we eat food, chemical energy of food is
converted into muscular energy in our body. This
muscular energy is converted into mechanical
energy and we can perform work.
• This process of changing energy from one form to
another is called transformation of energy.
• It is also called conversion of energy.
Muscular Energy Kinetic Energy
Transformation of Energy

Dead plant
Conservation of energy
• The sources of energy in the nature are very limited.
Due to over population, there is over & unwise use
of sources to fulfill the greed of humans.
• We get most of our energy from fossil fuel such as
petroleum, coal, natural gas etc.
• The reserve of the fossil fuel is limited and soon we
would run out of petrol, diesel & gas.
• The way of saving or protecting non-renewable
sources of energy is called conservation of energy.
How we can conserve ?
• We should work together to conserve our sources
of energy for our better future.
• But how?
I. Decreasing dependence on the fossil fuel.
II. Switching over renewable sources of energy like
hydroelectricity, solar energy.
III. Use of public transport instead of private car.
IV. Switching off the light and fan when moving out
of the room.
Use of public transport

Use of LED light

Switch off the light

Enjoy your cycling, Save the

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