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Learning Assessment

Prepared by: Shainah M. Sanchez, LPT

What is educational assessment?
• defined as any of a variety of procedures used to obtain information
about student performance (Linn and Miller, 2005)

• refers to the full range of information gathered and synthesized by

teachers about their students and their classrooms (Arends, 1994)

• is a method for analyzing and evaluating student achievement or

program success.

• is the systematic collection, review and use of information about

educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student
learning and development.

Assessment for Learning

Assessment of Learning

Assessment as Learning
Assessment for learning
…. is on going assessment that allows teachers
to monitor students on a day-to-day basis and
modify their teaching based on what the students
need to be successful. This assessment provides
students with the timely, specific feedback that
they need to make adjustments to their learning.
Assessment of learning …
is the snapshot in time that lets the teacher,
students and their parents know how well each
student has completed the learning tasks and
activities. It provides information about student
achievement. While it provides useful reporting
information, it often has little effect on learning.
Assessment as learning
… develops and supports students' metacognitive
skills. This form of assessment is crucial in helping
students become lifelong learners. As students engage
in peer and self-assessment, they learn to make sense of
information, relate it to prior knowledge and use it for
new learning. Students develop a sense of ownership and
efficacy when they use teacher, peer and self-assessment
feedback to make adjustments, improvements and
changes to what they understand.
, Evaluation
& Assessment
…. as used in education refers to the process of
quantifying an individual’s achievement,
personality, and attitudes among others by means of
appropriate measuring instruments.
…. Is the part of the educational evaluation
process whereby some tools or instruments are use
to provide a quantitative description of the progress
of students towards desirable educational goals.
is the term used to describe the assignment of a number to a given
assessment. The number can be a raw score or a score based on a
normal distribution curve. The process of quantifying this number is
separate from using this information to evaluate student outcomes and
is an act or process that involves the assignment of numerical
values to whatever is being tested. So it involves the quantity of
something process of collecting data on attribute of interest.

The first step towards elevating a field of study into a science is to take
measurements of the quantities and qualities of interest in the field.

Objective measurements

 Subjective measurements
Objective / Quantitative measurements

. . . are measurements that do not depend on

the person or individual taking the measurements.
. . . is something that is measured consistently.

For example, measuring how well someone can

perform a set number of tasks in a controlled
environment. There are no other factors that can alter
the data gathered with this measurement.
Subjective/ Qualitative measurements
. . . often differ from one assessor to the next even if
the same quantity or quality is being measured.
. . . an instrument or systematic procedure for measuring a
sample of behaviour by posing a set of questions in a uniform
Test is the form of questioning or measuring tool used to access the status of one’s
skill, attitude and fitness.

Test may be called as tool, a question, set of question, an examination which is used to
measure a particular characteristic of an or a group of individuals.

• An instrument or activity used to accumulate data on a person’s

ability to performed a specified task.

• It is an assessment intended to measure a test-taker’s

knowledge, skill, aptitude, performance, or classification in
many other topics.
• Objective Test- it is a test paper and pencil test where in students’
answers can be compared and quantified to yield a numerical score. This
is because it requires convergent and specific response. Subjective Test-
it is a paper and pencil test which is not easily quantified as students are
given the freedom to write their answer to a question, such as an essay
test. Thus, the answer to this type of test is divergent.
• Individual Test- it is a test administrated to one student at a time.
Group Test- it is one administrated to a group of students.
Unstandardized Test- it is one prepared by teachers for use in the
classroom, with no established norms for scoring and interpretation of
• Standardized Test- it is a test prepared by an expert or specialist. This
type of test samples behavior under uniform procedures.

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