Results: By: Tenzin Ondar Saurabh Pradhan

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By: Tenzin Ondar

Saurabh Pradhan
Abstract Results
According to Sun Tzu, the idea of Confucianism • Education: Language and culture
assumed the priority of cultural influence and promotion through Hanban’s (the state
involvement as opposed to hard power and Office of Chinese Language Council
submission. Aspects of modern Buddhist diplomacy International) global Confucius Institute
in China and Confucius Classroom network
represents a critical part of China’s soft
power resources. Confucius Institutes and
Classrooms provide Chinese language
instruction and educational exchange
opportunities, in tandem with cultural
learning, to students and education
professionals of all instructional levels
• Cultural promotion: China’s thousands
of years of history and cultural legacy in
East Asia serve a crucial role in
advancing the Beijing-dogmatized notion Cultural index.
of China as the cradle of civilization, the
home to a world-class culture, and a
benign and curious rising superpower.
Introduction Cultural promotion is often projected
The soft power of China is the indirect and through the four remaining mediums, The Chinese government, despite the financial
non-military influence of the such as Education and Media & costs, is willingto participate in various international
People's Republic of China that can be Information, due to Chinese culture’s role projects on the line of Buddhism, consideringthis as
observed outside the country around the as the overarching theme of Chinese soft a way to increase the country's authority in the area
world. power. To develop ties with Buddhists in of Buddhist countries. So, Chinajoined the project
China's ranked 27th out of 30 nations in the China and other countries, the state to revive the Buddhist university and the Nalanda
monastery complex, which existed in the V—XII
Soft Power 30 index for 2018 and 2019 supports the organization and holding of
centuries in northern India
published by Portland Communications and exhibitions with Buddhist relics and art in
the USC Center on Public Diplomacy. different countries.
According to the index, China is a "cultural • Media & Information: China has been
juggernaut", being ranked 8th in the Culture investing considerably in the collection
category and 10th in the Engagement and dissemination of global media and
category. information on China, spending an
average of $10 billion a year on these
venues. State broadcasting and
information agencies such as Xinhua,
CCTV, and CRI have increased their
efforts to compete with major news
services such as CNN and BBC, to
become “a real world international news
• Foreign aid: China is currently the largest According to Nye’s framework, Chinese soft
foreign aid donor that is not a member of power is not necessarily different from
the Development Assistance Committee. American soft power, although the manner in
Chinese foreign aid is especially attractive which it is organized is much more rigorous.
where there is an absence or shortage of While “much of American soft power is
Methods and Materials Western aid and also because of the lack produced by civil society”, as claimed by
of conditionality that often come with Joseph Nye, Chinese soft power is heavily
Rudn article planned and coordinated by the state.
“strings-attached” aid packages from the
West. China has tied its development
assistance to growing its economic power
overseas by pairing development projects
with opportunities for Chinese companies
to expand and operate in beneficiary
• Foreign Direct Investment: According to
the 2020 World Investment Report
published by UNCTAD, FDI inflows
continued to increase between 2018 and
2019, from USD 138 billion to 141 billion
(+2%). Total foreign direct investment
(FDI) into China in 2019 was $137 billion,
increasing 5.8 per cent over 2018.
• Name it: The Chinese Government
actively supports and finances
international Buddhist conferences.
• The project to revive Nalanda university
was announced by the government of
India, and then by china. China has
allocated 1 billion US dollars

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