11 PHILO - 1. Definition of Philosophy

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Definition of

Etymological definition:

• Phytagoras, an early greek scholar coined the term

It comes from the greek word PHILOS, means love and
SOPHIA means wisdom.
The ultimate goal of the analytic inquiry of a true philosopher
is wisdom.
In the course of its development, philosophy
has been viewed from different perspective.
• Group activity:
The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will be
given a definition and they will brain storm how they
understand the meaning. And will report it to class.
The beginning of Philosophy
• The beginning of philosophy goes all the way back to the B.C era. When
EMPEDOCLES, and ANAXAGORAS inquired about the basic element
that constitutes the universe.
• The center of attention of the early philosophers was on knowing the
nature of the world around them.
• These early thinkers thought that the universe and everything therein are
made of one or some who believed that the fundamental stuff of
everything are superior substances which the senses cannot perceive.
Ardales stated:
• The development of philosophy had its great turning point at the time of
Socrates and his famous pupil Plato. Socrates put much value on the study
of man’s inner life over the external world around him. His main interest
was not knowing the basic elements of nature but finding out was
constituted truth, beauty, justice and goodness.

• With the coming of Aristotle, considered the brightest pupil of Plato, the
concern for the external world and nature was brought back to focus.
Branches of Philosophy
• Has number of branches. These branches can be grouped into 2 major divisions
namely THEORETICAL and PRACTICAL division.

• The THEORETICAL division is composed of domains the principal concerned of

which is the ACQUISITION of knowledge without any thought of applying it for
nay practical use.

• Whereas, the PRACTICAL division is made up of domains which are studied not
only to acquire knowledge and with the intention to APPLY it to real life situations.
Branches that are Theoretical in nature
1. Metaphysics:
• Greek word “META” means “Beyond” and “Physikon” means
• It is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the fundamental
nature of reality of being and of existence in their most general aspect.

2. Ontology:
• Greek word “ONTA” means “really existing things” and “LOGOS” means
“the study of”
• It is a branch of philosophy which is considered as a discipline belonging
to the metaphysics the principal concern of which is knowing the essential
characteristics of particular existing things.
3. Cosmology:
• Greek word “KOSMOS” means “World or universe” and “LOGOS”
means “Study of”
• It is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the universe as a
rational and orderly system

4. Psychology:
• Greek word “PSYCHE” means “Soul” and “LOGOS” means “Study of”
• It is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the mind or
consciousness, its constitution, characteristics and its role or influence in
the behavior of the human person and social groups.
5. Epistemology:
• Greek word “EPISTEME” means “KNOWLEDGE” and “LOGOS” means
“Study of”
• It is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the origins, nature,
extent and veracity (truth, reliability, validity) of knowledge.

5. Theodicy:
• Greek word “THEOS” means “GOD” and “DIKE” means “JUSTICE or
• It is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the nature, being
goodness and justice of God; relationship between God and man; and other
doctrines related to divinity.
Branches that are Practical in nature
1. Semantics:
means “TO SIGNIFY” and SEMA means a sign, a mark or an identity.
• It is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the meaning and
linguistic forms, their functions as symbols, and the part they play in relation
to other terms, to human thoughts and behavior.

2. logic:
• Greek word “LOGIKE or LOGIKOS” meaning “ORDERED,
• It is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the principles or laws
of correct thinking and systematic reasoning.
3. Ethics:
• Greek word “ETHICOS” means “CUSTOM or characteristic way of
• It is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the morality of
human acts as well as the pursuit of the good life.

4. Aesthetics:
• Greek word “AISTETHIKOS” means “One who is perceptive of things
through his sensations, feelings and institutions”
• It is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the nature of beauty
and the value of art.
5. Axiology:
• Greek word “AXIOS” means “WORTHY” and “LOGOS” means “ THE
• It is a branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the origin, nature and
meaning of values.
• It studies the reasons that make a person, an object or an act valuable or
Search for the uses of philosophy for:
• Problem solving
• Communication skills
• Persuasive powers
• Writing skills

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