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LECTURER : Dr. Eng. Herawaty Riogilang ST, MEnvEngSC

Group Members :
1. Cicilia Gabriela Sumaraw (08)
2. Angelique Christine Amanda Malonda (14)
3. Brenda Wulan Tarore (17)
4. Oktorando Simbar (20)
5. Vanhalen Sanger (21)
How important the water for the
environment and the life of living things?

Water is a general need in everyday life.

Humans, animals, and plants need water for life.
Water can also be used as a solvent, cleaner and
other purposes such as household, industry and
other businesses. For the purposes of the water
industry, it functions as engine coolant, raw
material or waste flushing. In addition, water also
functions for agriculture, fisheries, sports,
recreation, fire fighting and so on.
In the world of health, especially environmental health,
attention to water is associated as a factor of transfer/
transmission of disease causes (agent). Water carries the
cause of the disease from the feces of the sufferer, then it
reaches other people's bodies through food, milk and
drinks. Water also plays a role in carrying non-microbial
disease causes such as the toxic materials it contains.
Diseases that can usually be transmitted through water
are; Typhus Abdominalis, Cholera, Dysentri bacillar and

Foto Ini oleh Penulis Tidak Diketahui dilisensikan

Water Supply Problem

Currently, the problem of clean water supply is of particular concern for both
developed and developing countries.
Indonesia as well as other developing countries is not immune from the problem
of providing clean water for its people. One of the main problems faced is the
insufficient availability of clean water sources, unequal services of clean water
supply, especially in rural areas, and the existing clean water sources cannot be
utilized optimally. Even in several places in big cities, clean water sources that
have been used by local drinking water companies or as we know by the
abbreviation PDAM have been polluted by industrial waste and domestic waste,
so that the burden in terms of clean water management is increasing.
Definition of Water
Water is part of the whole ecosystem. The presence of According to chemistry, water is a chemical substance
water in a different place makes water excess and can be that has the formula H2O, which is a water molecule
reduced so that it can cause various problems. For that, composed of two hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms.
water must be managed wisely with an integrated Under standard conditions, water is colorless, odorless
approach as a whole. Integrated means attachment to and tasteless. The chemical substance in water is a
various aspects. Integrated water resources require the solvent, has the ability to dissolve many other chemicals,
involvement of various parties. such as salts, sugars, acids, several types of gases and
many kinds of organic molecules.
(Robert J. Kodoatie, 2008).
•Clean water is water that is used for daily needs and
will become drinking water after cooking it first. As a
limitation, clean water is water that meets the

requirements for a drinking water supply system,
where the requirements in question are requirements
in terms of water quality which include physical,
chemical, biological and radiological qualities, so that if
consumed it does not cause side effects.
• Clean water is needed in meeting human needs to
carry out all activities so it is necessary to know how
water is said to be clean in terms of quality and can be
used in adequate quantities in human daily activities.
• In terms of quality, there are several requirements
that must be met, including physical quality consisting
of smell, color and taste, chemical quality consisting of
pH, hardness and so on and biological quality where
water is free from disease-causing microorganisms.
• In order for human survival to run smoothly, clean
water must also be available in sufficient quantities
according to human activities in a certain place and for
a certain period of time (Gabriel, 2001).
Source of Clean Water
In fulfilling the need for clean water,
humans usually make use of water
sources around settlements, be it natural
water, or after experiencing a treatment
process first.
According to Sugiharto (1983), water sources can be
divided into three, namely:
•1. Rainwater, space water, in other forms can be snow;
•2. Surface water, water that is on the surface of the earth
can be in the form of river water, lake water, sea water;
•3. Ground water, formed from a portion of rainwater that
falls to the surface and partly seeps into the soil through
pores/crevices and plant roots and persists in the soil
layer to form a layer containing groundwater (aquifer),
ground water that is it is called deep groundwater or
artesian, which means that groundwater is located in two
layers of impermeable soil, some of which are depressed
and that are not. Shallow groundwater means that it is
located in an aquifer close to the ground surface and its
volume fluctuation is strongly influenced by rainfall.
Here are some examples of types of water sources that
are on the surface and in the ground :

•1. River : is a source of water on the surface of the earth.

•2. Springs : mainly occurs because rainwater in the
mountains seeps and flows to the lower areas because there
is movement in the soil crust, so the water comes out to
the surface of the ground.
•3. Well : in the ground there is a watertight layer that can
store water, so that if you dig the ground in a certain depth you
will find water which we often call a well.
Several types of wells based on their depth:
- Shallow wells : wells dug with a depth of 5-20 meters
- Deep wells : wells made by drilling as deep as 50-100 meters
- Artesian well : a well made by drilling as deep as 200 meters
•Raw water from PDAM that comes from water sources is
not immediately used for clean water needs in buildings.
•The water must first meet the quality, quantity and
continuity requirements. To maintain the quality of raw
water, usually the water will undergo a treatment process.
•This processing can generally be done in 3 ways: physics,
chemistry and biology.
•Physical processing is usually carried out by utilizing the
mechanical properties of water without chemical
• Examples of application are precipitation, adsorption,
filtration, etc.
•Chemical processing is of course with the addition of
chemical substances such as alum, chlorine, etc.
•Which are usually used to remove heavy metals
contained in water. Meanwhile, biological processing by
utilizing certain microorganisms that can help purify water.
•PDAMs in Indonesia generally use water treatment plants
(IPA) physically and chemically.

Basically, water treatment is divided into 3 parts, namely :

1. Intake Building
As the name implies, this building serves as the first place
where water enters from a water source. This building is
equipped with a screen bar which functions to filter out
2. Water Treatment Plant
foreign objects in the water. Furthermore, the water will enter
WTP is the main installation of clean water treatment.
a large tub before being pumped into the water treatment
There are several processing sections at STP that make water
suitable for use. As for these sections :
• Coagulation (1)
Coagulation bath. In this tub the water will be destabilized from
colloidal particles / dirt. The destabilization process can be carried out
chemically with the addition of alum (aluminum sulfate) or by physical • Sedimentation (3)
means, namely by rapid mixing (fast stirring), hydraulically (waterfall Water will enter the sedimentation basin where the heavier floc
or hydrolic jump) and mechanically (stirring rod) so that the alum density will automatically settle to the bottom of the tub and
mixes evenly with water. clean water can be separated from the mud.
• Flocculation (2)
The next process is flocculation to form and enlarge the floc
• Filtration (4)
(dirt collection). The process is that the water will be stirred
slowly so that the alum mixed in the water can bind the dirt After the water is separated from the sludge, the water will
particles and form a larger floc so that it settles more easily. be filtered again so that it is completely clean by being put
into a filtration bath. Filtration tanks can use membrane
technology, but can also be substituted with other media
such as sand and silica gravel. This process is carried out with
• Disinfection (5) the help of gravity.
After the processing is complete, usually an additional
process (disinfection) is carried out in the form of adding
chlorine, ozonation, UV, removal, etc. To avoid the
potential for germs and bacteria contained in the water.

3. Reservoir
After the water has been treated, the water will be put into temporary reservoirs. In the reservoir before being distributed to homes and buildings. To drain water, HDPE
pipes and PVC pipes are usually used. To save more on construction and operational costs, the cost of a Water Treatment Plant (IPA) is built in a high enough area
(hill or mountain) so that it can save on the use of a water pump because it can be flowed with gravity. To reach a wider area, usually water will be collected again in the
reservoir in each area before being pumped into houses and buildings.
Drinking water is healthy, but if it is too
much it can cause hyponatremia, which
is when the sodium in the blood
Part 2 becomes too dilute.
The division of water categories
according to the total solids contained in
it (TDS) is :

• >140 ppm :
regular drinking water,
(more than 500 ppm is harmful to
• 26 - 140 ppm :
drinking water that contains inorganic
Although air from natural sources can be • 1 - 25 ppm :
reduced by humans, there is a risk that the air
has been contaminated by bacteria
organic water which does not contain
(eg Escherichia coli) or harmful substances. much inorganic elements.
• 0 ppm :
Bacteria can increase by boiling water to
100°C, but many harmful substances, pure air
especially metals, cannot be removed in this

Foto Ini oleh Penulis Tidak Diketahui dilisensikan atas namaCC BY

There are 3 systems of water supply in a
building, namely:

- Direct dial system

- Pressure tank system
- Roof tank system
a. Direct line system

•The direct connection system is a system

where the building construction
distribution pipe is connected directly to
the branch pipe of the collective drinking
water supply system/piping system (in this
case the PDAM distribution branch pipe).
•Due to the limited water pressure in the
PDAM distribution pipes, this system can
only be used for small buildings or houses
up to 2 floors. In general, the water source
used in this system is water that comes
from the branch pipes of the drinking
water supply system collectively (in this
case the PDAM distribution branch pipes).
•For more details, this system can be seen
in the following Figure:
b. Press tank system

•Usually this system is used when the water is going to

enter the building, the flow is using a pump
•The working principle of this system can be explained as
follows: Water from the well or which has been collected
in the lower tank is pumped into a closed vessel, so that
the water in the closed tank is compressed.
•The water from the closed tank is channeled into the
building distribution system. The pump works
automatically which is regulated by a pressure detector,
which closes/ opens the switch of the electric motor
driving the pump. The pump stops working when the
pressure in the tank has reached a specified maximum
limit, and starts again after the pressure in the tank
reaches a specified minimum limit.
•The area of ​pressure fluctuation is usually set between
1.00 kg / cm2 to 1.50 kg / cm2. In general, the water
source used in this system is water that comes from a
lower reservoir (which can be sourced from PDAMs or
wells or from PDAMs and wells) or directly from wells
(ground water).
• For more details, this system can be seen in the following
c. Roof tank system

•If the direct connection system by

various things cannot be applied, then
the roof tank system can be applied. In
this system, water is first collected in the
lower tank, then pumped into the upper
•The top tank can be a tank that is stored
on the roof or in the tallest building, and
it can also be a water tower.
•In general, the water source used in this
system is water that comes from a lower
reservoir (which can be sourced from
PDAMs or wells or from PDAMs and
wells) or directly from wells (ground
•For more details, this system can be seen
in the following Figure:
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