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The Nature of Groups

What is a group?

 “A small collection of people who interact

with each other, usually face to face, over
time in order to reach goals.”

 Interaction amongst members

 Interdependence
 Time
 Size
– Three people to seven to 20
– Smallest number capable of performing the task
Goals of groups

 Individual goals
– Task orientation: getting the job done
– Social orientation:
 Sense of belonging
 Exercise influence
 Gain liking
Goals of Groups, cont.

 Group goals
– Individuals goals must match group goals
– Hidden agenda
Types of Groups

 Learning groups
 Growth groups
 Problem solving groups
 Social groups
Characteristics of Groups

 Rules: explicit, officially stated guidelines

 Norms: unstated rules
– Social norms
– Procedural norms
– Task norms
Characteristics of Groups, cont.

 Roles: norms define group standards, while

roles govern behavior
– Formal roles: assigned to establish order
– Informal roles
 Task roles: helps group accomplish goals
 Social roles: maintenance, concerned with relationships
Pattern of Interaction

 All channel Network

 Wheel Network
 Chain Network
Decision Making Methods

 Consensus: all members of a group support

a decision
 Majority rule
 Expert opinion
 Minority control
 Authority rule
Culture & Group Communication

 Individualism vs. Collectivism

 Power distance: degree to which members
are willing to accept a difference in power
and status among members
 Uncertainty avoidance
 Task vs. Social Orientation
 Short vs. Long Term Orientation

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