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Shimron Fernando
What is a S

• A synapse is a structure, rather, a small pocket of space

between two cells that permits a neuron (or nerve cell) to
pass an electrical or chemical signal where they can pass
messages to communicate to another neuron or to the
target effector cell
• Synapses are essential to the transmission of nervous
impulses from one neuron to another
• There are 2 types of synapses found in the body
Shimron Fernando
Electrical Synapses
• An electrical synapse is a mechanical and electrically conductive link
between two neighboring neurons that is formed at a narrow gap
between the pre- and postsynaptic neurons known as a gap junction
• During electrical synaptic transmission, synapses allow current to flow
from one cell to another by means of ions in low resistance pathways
between gap junctions
• Gap junctions are usually found in cardiac muscle and in some types of
smooth muscle – for rapid conduction in these tissues which allows
coordinated, simultaneous contractions
• Electrical transmission can be bidirectional; that is, current can flow
in either direction across the gap junction, depending on which
member of the coupled pair is invaded by an action potential 

Shimron Fernando
Chemical Synapses
Chemical Synapses
• Chemical synapses are connections between two
neurons or between a neuron and a non-neuronal cell
(muscle cell, glandular cell, sensory cell)
• It includes three elements: the presynaptic element, a
synaptic cleft, and a postsynaptic element
• Chemical synaptic transmission occurs when
information is transmitted across the synaptic cleft
involving the release of chemical messengers known
as neurotransmitters, from the pre-synaptic/sending
neuron to the post-synaptic/receiving cell
• In order to reach its target cell, information can only
flow in one direction (unidirectional) - away from the
brain and towards its destination in the body to carry
out the instructions

Shimron Fernando
Mechanism of Chemical Synaptic
Transmission at the Neuro-muscular Junction
• An Action Potential (AP) reaching the presynaptic cell causes Calcium ion channels to open
• The influx of calcium ions into the pre-synaptic terminal causes the release of
neurotransmitter, acetylcholine as synaptic vesicles
• These chemical messengers then diffuse across the synaptic cleft and bind to the receptors
on the post-synaptic membrane causing a conformational change
• The ligand-gated Sodium & Potassium channels are opened on the motor-end plate
• This causes the depolarization at the motor-end plate (EPP) to travel along the adjacent
muscle tissue, generating an action potential
• ACh is degraded to choline and acetate by on the motor-end plate and about 50% of the
choline is taken back into the presynaptic terminal by a Sodium - Choline co-transporter

Shimron Fernando
Conditions Required to Fire an AP

I. Nature of the neurotransmitter

II. Summation
III. A minimum of 2 ACh molecules
which opens Na ion channels

Shimron Fernando
The End
Thank you for your Attention!
Thank you for your Attention!

Shimron Fernando

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