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T h e D e v i l ’s Tr i a n g l e

A Presentation by Group I

Abhishta Singh 2K19CSUN04001

Aditi Singhal 2K19CSUN04003
Ananya Kamra 2K19CSUN04005
Harsh Bhardwaj 2K19CSUN04010
Kolla Teja 2K19CSUN04013

• Various Case Studies
• Possible Theories behind It
• Research Of The Scientists
Int r oduc ti o n
The Bermuda Triangle is a
mythical section of the Atlantic
Ocean roughly bounded by
Miami, Bermuda and Puerto
Rico where dozens of ships and
airplanes have disappeared.

Unexplained circumstances surround some of these accidents, including one in which

the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers became disoriented while flying over the
area; the planes were never found. Other boats and planes have seemingly vanished
from the area in good weather without even radioing distress messages. But although
myriad fanciful theories have been proposed regarding the Bermuda Triangle, none of
them prove that mysterious disappearances occur more frequently there than in other
well-traveled sections of the ocean.
Va ri ous C as e St udi e s
1. USS Cyclops
In March 1918, this massive ship set out to sail from Brazil to Baltimore through the
Bermuda region carrying 10,800 tons of manganese ore with about 309 crew members
on board. Setting off on a fairly good day, the first and the only message sent by this
ship indicated no sort of troubles.
However, the ship was never heard from again. An entire search of the area was put
into action but nothing was ever found. No remains of the ship or any crew members
aboard have ever been found. The captain of USS Cyclops never sent a distress signal
and no one aboard responded to radio calls from other vessels in the vicinity.

2. Witchcraft
On December 22, 1967, a cabin cruiser named
witchcraft left from Miami with her captain Dan
Burack and his friend, Father Patrick Horgan.
However, after reaching just one mile from
offshore, the coast guard received a call from the
captain stating that his ship had hit something but
there was no substantial damage. Indicating help
to be towed to the shore, the coast guard set off
immediately reaching witchcraft in as many as 19
minutes alone but to nothing.
The area indicating the location of the ship was completely
deserted with no signs of any ship having been stranded or
even present there previously. What’s most intriguing about
this story is that this particular cruiser was virtually
unsinkable, not to mention that numerous life-saving
devices present aboard including life jackets, lifeboats,
flares, distress signal devices etc. None of them was used
and the ship was gone.  Nothing of this ship has been found
until this day.

3. Incident with Christopher Columbus

When Christopher Columbus sailed through the area on his
first voyage to the New World, he reported that a great flame
of fire (probably a meteor) crashed into the sea one night and
that a strange light appeared in the distance a few weeks
later. He also wrote about erratic compass readings, perhaps
because at that time a sliver of the Bermuda Triangle was one
of the few places on Earth where true north and magnetic
north lined up. The good thing was, he voyaged successfully
over the Bermuda region & didn’t lost like the previous
Pos s i ble Th eor ie s
B e hin d It
Over the years, many theories have been
offered to explain the mystery. Some writers
have expanded upon Berlitz's ideas about
Atlantis, suggesting that the mythical city may
lie at the bottom of the sea and be using its
reputed "crystal energies" to sink ships and
planes. Other more fanciful suggestions
include time portals (why a rift in the space-
time fabric of the universe would open up in
this particular patch of well-traveled ocean is
never explained) and extraterrestrials —
including rumors of underwater alien bases.
Still others believe that the explanation lies in
some sort of extremely rare and little–known
— yet perfectly natural — geological or THEORY 3:
hydrological explanation. For example, Others suggest sudden rogue tidal
perhaps ships and planes are destroyed by waves. Or maybe some mysterious
pockets of flammable methane gas known to geomagnetic anomaly that creates
exist in large quantities under the sea — navigational problems confusing pilots
maybe lightning or an electrical spark ignited and somehow causing them to plunge
a huge bubble of methane that came to the into the ocean
surface right next to a ship or plane, causing
them to sink without a trace.
Re s e ar ch Of The
Sc ie nt i s t s
• “Rogue waves are one explanation and they do occur in the Bermuda region but by
no means uniquely here — they are far more common off the Cape of Good Hope (off
the South tip of Africa),” explained Dr. Simon Boxall, an oceanographer and principal
teaching fellow at the U.K.’s University of Southampton. “They were things of myth
and sailors’ tales, but since the introduction of satellite systems capable of measuring
waves there have been a number as big as 30 m (100 feet) measured and verified.”

• According to scientists at the 

University of Southampton, there are
1000ft rogue waves present inside the
triangle that may be a reason behind so
many ships or planes sunk within it.
End Of Presentation…

…But not the end of the mysteries

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