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Tools of Word Processor

Why we need MS-Word?
• Microsoft word -Application
• Developed by Microsoft Inc.
• Microsoft Word is used to create,
edit, print, and share
professional-looking documents
such as applications, forms,
templates, business cards, letters,
paper, reports, and booklets.
How to create a new document?
• File  New  Blank Document
• Ctrl+N
How to open an Existing File?
• File  Open
• Ctrl + O
• We can open it in
Recent Documents
How to Save a Document?
• File  Save
• Save icon in the Access
• Ctrl+S
How to Close a Document?

• File Close
EDITING a Document
• Editing involves making
revisions to and suggestions
about the content of a
• It includes improving the
accuracy of language, the flow,
the organization and structure,
and the overall readability of
the text.
• It also involves checking for
grammatical and spelling errors.
Selecting a Text
• Selecting text using
• Selecting a word.
• Selecting a sentence.
• Selecting a paragraph.
• Selecting an entire
Name the storage Devices
Name the Device
How many RAM are seen in this picture?
Is this Data or Information?

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