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Selecting a Problem

Nicerio L. Leanza, Ph.D.IRCA

 Think of possible sources by considering
the following:
◦ problem encountered in learning )when you
◦ problem encountered in teaching)in the
grades or
in high school
◦ unanswered question in your mind about
your observations and experiences as a
pupil/student, or
◦ an idea you wanted to explore and investigate

 Problem encountered  Problem encountered Unanswered question
in learning in teaching about
observation/ experiences
When I was in high When I was the grade I love to drink any
school my teacher made four I had a teacher orange juice. But I like
us perform an who conducted a Tang more than other
experiment on spelling contest every juice brands. After
“buoyancy”. He told us Friday. She asked us to sometime, I found out
to bring two cans of memorize the spelling of that at 1 0 or 1 0 :3 0 in
softdrink—Coca Cola: 1 a word. As a pupil, I the morning, I feel a
diet coke and the other cannot remember our little pain in my
regular coke. teacher teaching us stomach. I told my
We observed that the techniques of spelling. mother about it and she
Diet Coca Cola floated Until now, I have a stopped me from
on water and the problem writing the drinking orange juice. I
Regular Coca Cola sank correct spelling of some want to know if there is
into a deep pale of words. Is there a way to a brand of orange juice
water. make pupils learn how to that does not make my
I did not understand spell words without intestines painful.
then the principle of having so much problem
buoyancy. with it? 3
 Is the problem researchable? (It can be
investigated through the collection and analysis of

 Does it have a theoretical or practical significance?

(Your assumption leads to further testing of
assumption through “hypothesis”. Hypothesis is
further tested to support a “theory” you are
developing. Or you are expanding “theory” through
your expected findings/conclusions.)

 Is the problem good for you? (You can
tackle the problem; it is within your
understanding and capability to do the

 Can it answer the problem you have

discovered related to teaching/learning? (It
can be solved by your recommendations

 Is the : It can be investigated through
problem the collection and analysis of
researchable data.
? How?
 I can collect different types of
“ACID ON orange juice sold in
ORANGE JUICE supermarkets, like: TANG,
 I will test the acid content in

each of these juice drinks

using a “pH” scale.

 Does it have a  I can test my assumption why
theoretical or I am having stomach pain. My
practical assumption is: “TANG has a
significance? high acid content that causes
pain in my stomach.”
 Is it possible that TANG has
the highest acid content? If
so, I can find an orange juice
brand with the lowest acid
content. Then I can
recommend it to those who
have ulcer, like me.

 Is the  I believe I am capable of doing
problem research on the problem. Why?
good for ◦ I know the meaning of pH
you? ◦ I know how to use a pH paper and
understand the color that appears on it
when placed in a small cup of orange juice.
◦ I can ask a friend of mine to explain to me
the meaning of the color when compared
to a pH scale.
◦ I can look for more information about “acid
content” in student researches done
through the Internet.
◦ I can read articles in journals or books
about acid content and how it might cause

 Can it  The learning problem that is
answer the solved here is illustrated below:
problem ◦ As a person who loves to drink orange
juice, I will be able to choose the right
related to orange juice brand with the least acid
learning? content.
◦ I will be able to solve my problem and
perhaps limit the number of glasses I
drink every day, to avoid ulcer.
◦ I can also warn other persons who
have ulcer and who drink orange juice
to choose the one with the least acid

A well-stated research problem should include each
of the following characteristics:

 The variables of interest to the student researcher.

 The specific relationship between the variables.

 The type of subjects involved.

problem. Variables:
Problem:  Formula for finding the area of a
I have doubts triangle is a constant.
whether the
A = 1/2 bh
formula for
 Manipulated variables are the:
finding the area
of a triangle is ◦ size of the triangles
always ◦ angles of the triangles

Major Problem: Sub-problems:
(What comprise the major
The study
problem? What aspects are
examines the absolute involved in investigating
accuracy of the specifically the major problem?)
formula for finding  What is the area of each of the
the area of a triangle. different triangles drawn on a
[This is taken from the graphing paper?
title; it is done by  Is there a difference in area
converting the title into among five kinds of
a declarative sentence triangles,namely: acute, obtuse,
beginning with, “The scalene, equilateral, and isosceles?
study examines…..” [The aspects pertain to different types of
triangles--their areas expressed in]

Gay (1996, p.2) describes a hypothesis as a tentative
explanation for certain behaviors, phenomena, or events
that have occurred or will occur.

Leanza(2001:41)defines the hypothesis as a converted

research assumption reflecting the relationship between
variables in a research problem. It is a prediction of the
outcome of the research to be conducted.


 States the researcher’s expectation concerning the
relationship between the variables in the research
 A refinement of the research problem. It is the most
specific statement of the problem.

 It is a prediction of the outcome of the

 “States clearly and concisely the expected

relationship (or difference) between two
variables,and defines those variables in
operational, measurable terms “(Gay,

To formulate a research hypothesis, we start with a research
question and:

 generate operational definitions for all variables, and

 formulate a research hypothesis keeping in mind:

◦ expected relationships or differences
◦ operational definitions.

 Hypothesis can also be classified in terms of how they are


◦ inductive hypothesis is a generalization based on observation;

◦ deductive hypothesis is derived from theory.

 A hypothesis can be directional or non-
 Hypothesis can be stated as research

hypothesis or statistical hypothesis.

 A statistical hypothesis consists of the null

hypothesis (H0), the hypothesis of no

difference and the alternative hypothesis (H1
or Ha) which is similar in form to the
research hypothesis.

Let us consider a model for Example:
stating a research Grade five girls have better
hypothesis for each of the reading comprehension
types of Quantitative than grade five boys.
Research Types we have Lets state it as a research
taken in earlier lessons. hypothesis in a causal-
(1) Stating hypothesis for an comparative study:
experimental or causal- H1: Girls will achieve higher
comparative study.
reading comprehension
If X is the independent test scores than boys at
variable, Y is the the end of the fifth grade.
dependent variable, and S Operational Variables: reading
is the Subject. comprehension will be
H1: Ss who got X do better on Y measured by IOWA TESTS of
than subjects do not get X (or educational development and
get some other X) reading comprehension.

Let us state a “Statistical Hypothesis”. This consists of
a null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis
In other words , the null hypothesis states thus:

H0 : There is no difference between the two means on

the reading comprehension test scores.
Ha : The girls’ mean score significantly exceed that of
the boys.

[Note: The statistical test here will use the ‘t test’.]

(2) Stating a hypothesis for correlational research.

If A and B are variables (we do not refer to them as

independent and dependent variables in correlational
research) , and C is the subject we can state our research
problem as the relationship between A and B for C. [What
is the relationship between A and B for C ?)

We state our Research Hypothesis, like this:
H1: There will be a significant positive
correlation between A and B
for C (or significant negative relationship
or significant relationship without
signifying direction).
We need to provide an operational definitions
for A, B, and describe C.

Example: A grade six teacher examines the relationship
the number of minutes needed to complete a
selection and comprehension test scores. She
wants to
use the data to determine whether there is a
negative relationship between these two variables.

H1: The length of time needed to complete reading a
selection will
be negatively correlated with the score on the
test of grade six pupils.
H0 : There is no significant relationship between speed
in reading a
selection and comprehension scores.


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