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to the
Islam and Mora Education Class

Md. Abdur Rashid
Chapter-1: Iman and Aqaid
 Literally Iman means faith and
Aqaid means belief.
 To have faith heart and soul in basic aspects of
Islam is called Iman.

 The person who has Iman is called Mumin.

 Aqida is to believe on the aspects of Iman
by heart.
 Basically both Iman and Aqida are in same
Knowledge about Allah, the Great
Let’s watch a video…
Allah’s creations

Who Created??????

Exercise from today’s lesson:
1.Answer in a word or in a phrase.

a) What is the meaning of Iman?

Answer: a) Faith,

b) What is the first aspect of Iman?

Answer: b) Belief in the Oneness of Allah,
c) What is the singular form of Aqaid?
Answer: c) Aqida,

d) What is the meaning of Allahu Salamun?

Answer: d) Allah is the peace-Giver,
e) Who is true Muslim according to Rasulullah’s saying?
Answer: e) The true Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand the other Muslim
is safe.
Vocabulary Learning:

• Conviction – a firmly believe

• Possession – having something
• Expend – spend
• An account of – cause
• Bound - obedient
Home Work: Do the following
• Read pg: 1-9 at least five times
and Write at least five sentences about "The creation of Allah".
(Remember to use capital letters, full stops and correct spelling.)

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