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Welcome to AFSM

Welcome to the
Islam and Mora Education
Chapter-2 (Ibadat) Class

Md. Abdur Rashid
Md. Abdur Rashid, Faculty, AFSM-01711093978
Topic: Ibadat (Worship)
Concept about Ibadat
Let’s watch a video…
Categories of Ibadat

 Primarily there are two types of Ibadat . They are:

 Physical Ibadat: Salat, Sawm, Hajj
 Financial Ibadat: Zakat , Hajj
Preconditions for Ibadat:
Taharat (Purity)

Allah says, 
“Allah loves
those who make
themselves clean
and pure” (9:108)
How can we be pure or clean?

Wudu (Ablution)

Ghasl ( Bath)

Tayammum (dry ablution)

Performing Ablution
Let’s watch a video on Wudu
 Farz activities of Wudu:
-To wash face thoroughly;
-To wash the hands well from the tips of the fingers up to the elbow.
-To rub lightly at least over one-fourth of the head.
-To wash the feet up to the ankles.

*Farz activities of Ghusl:

 To rinse the mouth by gargling.
 To clean the nostrils thoroughly with water;
 To wash the whole body with water

• Sunnat activities of Wudu

Causes for breaking Wudu
Vocabulary Learning:

 Perform – accomplish, carry out

 Preceding– former, prior
 Aspect – Scene, view
 Caress– affection, love
 Leaning –support
Home Work: Do the following

Read pg: 21-24 at least five times

and Write the causes for breaking Wudu (pg-23) & Farz actions in
Ghusl (pg-24)

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