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To Fulfill the Duty’s of English

Are Amnested By Dra. Hj. Munifah Efendi, M.Pd
Compiled by :
Nur Alamsyah
Definition of Hydroponic

Hydroponic is a subset of Hydroculture and is a

method of growing plants using mineran
nutrient solutions, in water, Without soil.
Media of Hydroponic

- Perlite
- Gravel
- Mineral
- Mineral Wool
- Expaded clay
- Coconut husk
The container plants are
produced by hydroponic :
- Fruit
- shade
- trees
- shrubs
- forest seedlings
- vegetable seedling
- bedding plants
- herbaceous perennials
- vines
The Aplicated of hydroponic

1. Hydroponic more is used during world war II ,

hydroponic was used on such a large scale to feed
2. Ray wheeler, plant physiologist at kennedy believe that
hydroponics will create advance within space travel.
These scientists are researching how different amounts of
light, temperatur and carbon dioxide, along with plant
species can be grown and cultivated on planet like mars
Advantaged of hydroponic
The reason hydroponic is being adapted for producting of
food :
- No soil is needed for hydroponics
- the water stays in the system and can be reused
- it is possible to control the nutrition levels in their entirety
- No nutrition pollution is released into the environment
- stable and high yields
- pests and diseases are easier to get rid of than in soil
- it is easier to harvest
- no pesticide demage
Profitable of soilles cultivation of

-Hydroponics may potentially produce much

higher crop yields
- hydroponics can be used in placed where in
ground agriculture of gardening are not possibe
-Without soil as a buffer,
The other disadvestages include,
- pathogen attacks such as dump off
- Many hydroponic plants require different
fertilizers and containment systems
Techniques of Hydroponic
There Are two main types of hydroponic :
A. Solution Culture
There are three main types of solution culture:
- Static solution culture
- continuous flow solution culture, and
- aeroponics
B. Medium culture

The medium culture method have

two variations :
-Sub Irrigation
- top irrigaton
Nutrient solutions
There are some micronutrient are typically added to
hyroponic solutions to supply essential element.
Among them are :
- Fe (iron),
- Mn (manganese)
- Cu (copper)
- Zn (zinc)
- B (Boron)
- Cl (chlorine)
- Ni (nickel)
Hydroponic have more been used to enhance
vegetables to provide more nutritional value.
With this grower can make ultrapremium foods
anywhere in the world, regardless of
temperature and growing seasons.
A hydroponic farmer in virginia has developed a
calcium and potassium enriched head of lettuce.
Source from :
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