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Sanitary Engineering/DCE-V

Assignment No.1 (to be submitted before 06 - Jun - 2021)


1) State the importance of providing sanitation facility.

2) Enlist the elements of sewage management system.
Discuss each element briefly.
3) State the importance/necessity of sewage treatment.
4) Describe conservancy & water-carriage systems.
Enlist the relative advantages & disadvantages of the two system.
5) Discuss the relative merits of separate & combined system of sewage, & give the
conditions favourable for the adoption of each one of them.
6) Differentiate between
I) Domestic sewage, Industrial sewage & Sanitary sewage;
II) Sewage & Drainage
7) Enlist the requirements of a sewage management system.
8) Define:- Refuse, Garbage, Rubbish, Sullage, Sewage, Night Soil, Outfall sewer,
Trunk sewer, Sewerage, Sewerage systems.

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