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Uses of Different Office Applications
Word Processor
Word processor, computer program used to
write and revise documents, compose the
layout of the text, and preview on a
computer monitor how the printed copy will
appear. The last capability is known as
“what you see is what you get”
(WYSIWYG; pronounced wi-zē-wig).

Definition Source:

Word Processor
Word processors facilitate writing and editing, especially
with their ability to copy and move text (“cut-and-paste”),
their built-in dictionaries to check spelling, and their
grammar checkers. Other common features include a wide
choice of typographic fonts and sizes, various paragraph and
page layouts, tools for finding and replacing strings of
characters, and word counts. Modern word processors have
also acquired many of the features once reserved for desktop
publishing systems, such as table creation and importation of
graphic images. They typically provide templates for
common document types, such as letters, memos, and
résumés, and can generate multiple copies of a document
with recipient addresses drawn from a list (“mail merge”).
Mail Merge

This feature allows you to create documents

and combine or merge them with another
document or data file. It is commonly used
when sending out advertising materials to
various recipients.
Question to answer after the demonstration:
On what other situation can I use the Mail Merge?
Image Placement

What is the importance of image placement?

Text Wrapping Option

This option lets you decide on how text

wraps around the selected object.
What other things can we do
with Word Processor?

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