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Group - 4


Presented by – Anam Khatoon , Ayushi sahu , Avisha saxena , Akhil pandey ,
Deepika pandey, Anshu shahi.

What is service quality

Service quality generally refers to a customer’s comparison of service
expectations as it relates to a company’s performance.
A business with a high level of service quality is likely capable of
meeting customer needs while also remaining economically
competitive in their respective industry.
Service quality is a perception of the customer. Customers, however,
form opinions about service quality not just from a single reference but
from a host of contributing factors.
According to Lewis and Boom,” service quality is a measure of how
well a delivered service matches the expectations of the customers”.
Berry , Parasuraman and Zeithamel identified the following ten criteria
used by consumers in evaluating service quality:
These were finally consolidated in to five broad dimensions:
Reliability is the ability of a service firm to meet
customers expectations, within the line of
commitments made by the firm or brand.
Customers measure reliability in terms of consistency,
dependability and on the basis whether the services
was performed right from the time.
Example: Dominos pizza ensures that the delivery is
done within the 30 minutes of an order placed.

It defined as the ability of the company to inspire trust and

confidence in the service delivery.
It refers to knowledge and courtesy of the service firm’s
employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence
in the customer toward the company.
Example: The employee is showing respect and being polite to
the customers while servicing them.
Tangibility refers to the physical attributes associated
with the delivery or performance of the service.
It includes surroundings, ambiance, facilities,
equipment, personnel and communication materials.
These attributes help customers perceive the quality of
service and evaluate the satisfaction derived from it.
Example: Starbucks store in New Delhi has ropes and
carpets with pictures if Indian spices and henna design
on the floor to give a local ambiance to the consumers.
It refers to the ability of employees to anticipate the needs of customers
and offer personalized attention to them.
Employees are required to understand the latent sensitivities of customers
and be considerate about them at all touch points.
Ease of access, effective communication and understanding the customer
fall under the purview of empathy.
Example: Access –HDFC Bank offers a 24/7 toll free helpline facility for
its customers.
It is the willingness of the service firm’s staff to help
customers and to provide them with prompt service.
Responsiveness can be reflected from the attentiveness and
agility of the employees and their sense of ownership and
entitlement for the company.
It is not a direct component of the core service; however, it is
responsible for the overall customer satisfaction.
Example: OLA – Post the completion of a ride ola cab
immediately emails the bill to the passenger with detailed
break up of the fare charged.
In conclusion buyers have always been concerned with quality, but
the increasing competitive market for many services has led
consumers to become more selective in the services they choose.
Conceptualizing the quality for services is more complex than for
Because of the absence of tangible manifestations, measuring
service quality can be difficult but there are possible research

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