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• LILIS SUGIARTI (119060083)
• FAIZ AULIA RACHMAN (119060089)
Instructional Design
What is instructional design?
Instructional design is The creation of “instructional experiences which make the
acquisition of Knowledge and skill more effective, and appealing.”
Instructional Experiences

Instructional instructional design is the creation of instructional experiences that a learner will go through

to acquire new knowledge.

Definition Acquisition of Knowledge

Third component here is the desire to make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more

efficient or effective or appealing.

Instructional Design Component
1. Tools (The set of tools that work with instructional designers)

• Process
processes that an instructional designer goes through when creating instruction these can include the Addie model or
the systematic design of instruction which is also called the dick and Carey model. Instructional designers use these
processes to help ensure that their instruction is created efficiently and effectively.
• Theory
Instructional theory which offers guidance on how to help learners actually learn this theory actually informs what
the instruction should look like what types of strategies should be used within an instruction a unit of instruction.
• Physical
Physical tools and so this can include technologies that an instructional designer uses it can include something as
simple as a pen and paper it can include a elearning development tool these are the types of tools an instructional
designer uses.
2. People (Different groups of people who work with instructional designers)

• Management
Individuals management has a very direct influence on how instructional design is performed and so
working with management effectively is key.
• ID Teams
Instructional designers also work with other instructional design team members and depending on how
an instructional design teams is formatted or structured it can really have a great influence on the type of
work an instructional designer does and on the finished product that instructional design team creates.
• SMEs
Instructional designers also work with what we call smees or subject matter experts very often an
instructional designer is tasked with observing or interviewing a Smee and finding out the best practices
and strategies that these Cimiez use in their work the instructional designer will then take what they
learn and create instruction that helps learners become more expert.

• Learners
Instructional designers work with is the learners and so an instructional designer really needs to know
who their target audience is what they already know what how they learn effectively so that they can
actually help the learners and acquire the knowledge and skills that they desire.
3. Organizations (the organizations that an instructional designer works in
instructional design takes place in many different organizations)

• Goverment
• Corporation
• Military
• Higher Ed
• K-12
There are many different ways that it's actually implemented, the instructional
design in the government is going to be different than instructional design that
happens in a corporation, same with higher education the ways that instruction
is approached different than say in the military and so all of these factors really
have an influence on how an instructional designer works.
Thank you

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