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Parts of the friendly letter or elements:

1. Header: The header can be divided into:

2. Place and date: It is placed on the right side of the letter, indicating the place and date.

For example: Ixmiquilpan Hidalgo, August 05, 2021.

3. Initial greeting: In the initial greeting it is made clear if the informal letter is friendly
(affective) or just a notification of something.

For example: Dear Aunt Sofía (affective heading) / Rubén García: (non-affective heading).

4. Body of the letter: Here you will find the message to be transmitted, the reason why the
letter is written.
Parts of the friendly letter or elements:
5. Farewell: Generally it is a short greeting, with good wishes.

For example: I hope you are well. / See you soon. / Take care and it will be until the next

6. Name or signature: It is part of the letter's farewell. Informal letters usually do not
include the full name, nor the title of the person writing the letter. They can use nicknames
and nicknames.

For example: Your favorite niece. / Cami. / Mother.

7. PS: The postscript is often used to include something of importance that has been left out
in the body of the letter.
Example of a friendly letter
(1 and 2) Ixmiquilpan Hidalgo, Thursday, August 05, 2021

Dear friend, (3)

I would like to thank you for the gift that I received yesterday from you. I liked it and it served me a lot! I am very happy to
have found you again.
I would like to take the opportunity to tell you that you forgot your daughter's coat at home yesterday. It has remained here
among the bags of the other guests. But don't worry, I'll save it and bring it to the parents' meeting on Tuesday. (4)

Thanks again for your love! (5)

Your friend Carlos (6)

P.S. I have already released the gift you have given me and it suits me wonderfully. (7)
What is a chat room?
A chat room is part of an online service. It offers a space for people with common
interests to communicate in real time.





Example conversation using abbreviations.



Hi! R u up for a drink 2nite? Will you sign up for a drink tonight?
Can u BYOB? Can you bring your own beer?
Sure, no prob. of course, no problem.
R you gonna make it? Will you come
Yep , gonna make it. I'll go.
r u kidding me? You're kidding?
I’ll let u know tmr. I'll confirm it tomorrow.

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