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STOKE’s Theorem: (Relation between line and surface integrals)

If S is an open surface bounded by a closed

  curve C
(continuously differentiable vector point function)
where is a unit external normal at any point of S.
•By  writing, , Stoke’s theorem may be reduced to the form,
  Green’s theorem in a plane can be considered as a special case
of Stoke’s theorem.
Infact, if is a vector function which is continuously differentiable in a
region S of the xy-plane bounded by a closed curve C, then,

Hence Stoke’s theorem takes the form
which is Green’s theorem in a plane.
Example: Verify Stoke’s theorem for taken around the rectangle bounded by the lines

  Let ABCD be the rectangle (shown in the figure)
 Along AB, and y varies from 0 to b.


Thus …………………………………(*)

From (*) and (**), Stoke’s theorem is verified.
Example: Verify Stoke’s theorem for , where S is the upper half
surface of the sphere and C is its boundary.

  Let R be the projection of S on the xy-plane.
The boundary C of S is a circle in the xy-plane of radius one and center
at the origin.
Let x=cos t, y=sin t, z=0, .

•   Now,


(where R is the projection of S on the xy-plane).



From (*) and (**), Stoke’s theorem is verified.

Example: Using the Stoke’s theorem evaluate
where C is the boundary of the triangle with vertices (2, 0, 0), (0, 3, 0)
 and (0, 0, 6).


  Equation of the plane(triangle) through the given vertices is
  N to this plane is .
(where S is the triangle)

Example: Apply Stoke’s theorem to evaluate where C is the curve
 of intersection of and .
  The curve is the circle on the plane , having (a, 0, 0) and (0, 0,
a) as the extremities of the diameter.
where S is the circle and .

Volume Integral

  F(R) be a continuous vector function and S be the surface enclosing a
region E.
Divide E into a finite number of sub-regions .
Let be the volume of the sub-region enclosing any point whose position
vector is
•of  F(R) over E.
Let and .
Gauss Divergence Theorem
(Relation between surface and Volume integrals)

•If  F is a continuously differentiable vector function in the region E

bounded by the closed surface S, then,
.Nds = , where N is the unit external normal vector.
.e., the surface integral of the normal component of a vector F taken
over a closed surface
If then by Gauss Divergence Theorem, we have,
Physical Significance of the Divergence Theorem:

Let v be the velocity of a moving fluid at any point.

Volume of the fluid crossing the dS in seconds
= volume contained in cylinder of base dS and slant height

=> volume per second of fluid crossing dS =

Total volume per second of fluid emerging from surface S =
•   is the volume per second of fluid emerging from a volume
element dV.

Hence, the total volume per second of fluid emerging from all volume
elements in S is

Example: Verify divergence theorem for
  taken over the rectangular parallelepiped

Now, .Nds =.Nds.Nds+…….+.Nds
(where are respectively the faces OAC’B, CB’PA’, OBA’C, AC’PB’, OCB’A
and BAP’C’)

Thus ……………………….(**)

Equality in (*) and (**) implies the verification of the divergence

Evaluate where and S is the surface of the cube bounded by

By the divergence theorem,
Example: Evaluate where and S is the surface bounding the region and
•   divergence theorem,

(by taking )
Evaluate where S is the surface of the sphere in the first octant.

• The surface OABC is comprised of 4 surfaces, namely

• -> circular quadrant OBC in the yz-plane,

• -> circular quadrant OCA in the zx-plane,

• -> circular quadrant OAB in the xy-plane,

• S-> surface ABC of the sphere in the first octant.

• We have .
•   divergence theorem,
=.ds.ds+.ds +.ds ………………………….(*)

For the surface

Hence .
Hence (1) becomes
0 = .ds =>
Example: Evaluate where S is a closed surface.
  By the divergence theorem,

, where V is the volume enclosed by S.

Example: Prove that
  In the divergence theorem, let , where C is a constant.
Since and

C is arbitrary =>
Example: Prove using the divergence theorem that
  Let in the divergence theorem. Then

  and in (1),

Subtracting (2) from (1), we have

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