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“Pedal Powered Flour Mill Machine”

Group Member: Under Guidance of:

Ashwani (1752540032) MR. Ankit Tripathi
Pradeep Kumar (1752540065) (Assistant Professor)
Atul Kumar (1752540033)
Ganesh Paswan (1752540046)
Deepak Bharti (1752540042)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Buddha Institute Of Technology,Gida , Gorakhpur

• Aim Of The Project

• Introduction
• Principle
• Working
• Advantage
• Conclusion
• Reference
Aim Of The Project

• The aim of this project to design and develop a machine

which uses for rural as well as urban,for easily to make flour
at home.
• Pedaling is the most efficient way of utilizing power from
human body, by this machine we are make his health.
• For household woman easily to use this machine at home.

• We are develop this machine for the utilize power of human

by pedalling.
• Households woman easily to operate and making flour with
utilize his power.
• This machine is cheap and best.
• Easily to operate this machine.

• In our project we have a flour mill which will be very helpful

for the rural areas.
• In rural areas conventional method of grinding and
chopping is done by using rural method. They have to travel
long distance for flour. Now every person make flour easily
at home
• For the household woman easily to operate.

• This machine is based on the mechanical system.

• In which have a stone floor wheel who connect to the chain drive.
• By the pedaling this machine starting start.
• When chaindrive rorate then a barrel rotating and flour making start.

• Gear
• Shaft
• Chain drive
• Flour Mill
• Seat

• Eco-riendly and non- polluting in every way.

• No electricity required.
• Low Of Cost
• Easily to operate flour mill machine.
• Easily to operate this machine

• The main objective behind development of pedal operated

flour mill was on producing, cheap and easy to operate.
• By this machine making flour mill with utilize his body.
• Rural areas household woman is usse this machine
• The price of this machine is cheap.

1. Prasad A. Hatwalne, Sushil T. Ambadkar, R.V.Paropate, Vivek R Gandhewar, A. M. Wankhade

“Design and development of Pedal operated flour mill.” New York Science Journal, 2011;
2. P.B. Khope, J. P Modak “Development and Performance Evaluation of a Human Powered
Flywheel Motor Operated Forge Cutter.” international journal of scientific & technology
research volume 2,issue 3, March 2013.
3. Design Data , Data book of Engineers, (ISBN 978-81-927355-0-4, Compiled by PSG College of
Engineering and Published by Kalaikathir Achchagam, Coimbatore, (India).
4. International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR) ISSN: 2455-
5. H. J. Hopfen (1969): Farm Implements for Arid and Tropical Regions Published by Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome, Italy.
Published in AT Microfiche Reference Library, pp.150

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