Operation & Maintenance of Single Network

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Operation & Maintenance of Single Network

R o n n y M a ru d u t
• O&M Team operates and maintains
H e a d o f N S S /E L S
sites and nodes that are serving live
N u s a K e la n a G u ra
C u s t o m e r S e r v ic e D e liv e r y M a n a g e r
... T h e re s t o f E L S te a m
T y p e t it le h e re
customers (after cutover)
• Consists of 6 MSC/BSC engineers,
T ie n F o o k N a d a r a ja h
O & M M anager
6 RBS/Mini-Link, 1 GPRS/Datacom,
M S C /B S C O & M R B S / M in i- L in k O & M G P R S /D a ta c o m O & M and 1 manager.
H asan R am azan J o s e p h C h r i s i t ie E n g in e e r 1 • Alarm monitoring in 24/7 done from
A zuw an A bd. M a z r il H is h a m Indosat OMC (BDN 24/Floor). Ph:
M o h . R iz a l A l a s s e r i m J a s m in
021-39839356 (Indosat O&M)
R e c le i E n g in e e r 1

E n g in e e r 1 E n g in e e r 2

E n g in e e r 2 E n g in e e r 3

• O&M manager is the main interface towards Indosat and internal Ericsson
• MSC/BSC Team work in a 12 hour shift
• The rests are day time, available on-call

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Fault Management
• As a 1st line troubleshooter. O&M informs NPI team for
performance related alarms

Escalation Process
• Problems that can not be solved by O&M are escalated to ELS
• Critical alarms (incl.emergency situation) that affected
service/causing outage are escalated to ELS. O&M Manager
will inform Indosat.
Change Management
• Configuration changes are subject to NPI team approval
• All changes are recorded by O&M team
• Changes that requires a service interruption are informed to
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Field Services
• O&M team will replace identified faulty hardware

How to contact us
• We are “an extension” to Indosat OMC for Single BSS Project sites
after cutover. CCO (for example) should contact Indosat OMC (as
usual) and they will route the case to us

O&M Team Contact

Alasserim Jasmin  alasserim@yahoo.com  +62 815 13025279  RBS/Mini-Link O&M Engineer 
Azuwan Abd. Aziz  azu_one@yahoo.com  +62 815 13025276  MSC/BSC O&M engineer 
Hasan Ramazan  ramazanhasan@yahoo.com  +62 815 13025284  MSC/BSC O&M Engineer 
Joseph Christie  josephchristie@yahoo.com  +62 815 13025281  RBS/Mini-Link O&M Engineer 
Mazril Hisham  mazrilhisham@yahoo.com  +62 815 13025280  RBS&ML O&M Engineer 
Moh. Rizal  echal20@yahoo.com  +62 815 13025277  MSC/BSC O&M Engineer 
Nusa K Gura  nusa.k.gura@ericsson.com  +628551051500  Service Delivery Manager 
Ronny Marudut  ronny.marudut@ericsson.com  +62 855 8018300  Head of NSS/ELS 
Tien Fook Nadarajah  O&M Manager 
Zamuddin bin Pandak  zamuddin@yahoo.com  RBS/Mini-Link O&M Engineer 

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Customer Reporting
O&M Team will produce weekly report to be sent to Indosat NO&M and it
       Currently monitored installed base (number of BTS, Cells, active TRU, MSC, BSC)
       Health check report
       Emergency situation
       Alarm Statistics: how many A1, A2, A3, O1, and O2 alarms during that week for each node
       Escalated problems to NSS/ELS
       Capacity (including license) issue
       CP Load
       Field Service report. On-site activity (changing boards, troubleshoot on-site etc.)
       Change Requests log (log of all SW/HW configuration changes)
       Customer complaints log (log of problems reported from the customer)
       Spare part report
       Critical/hot issues
       Checklist routine report (who follow the checklist, any task not performed and why, problem during)
       In-Service Performance Report (ISP)

Apart from this Weekly Report, for any service-affecting problem (outage), O&M Manager will send SMS
(notification) to Indosat (Lutfi – MSC manager, Sudirman – BSS Manager, Selo – VAS Manager)
and internal Ericsson

Rev PA1 9/9/2004 4

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