FALLSEM2018-19 - HUM1021 - TH - SMVG21 - VL2018191001997 - Reference Material I - Abuse of Technologies

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Abuse of Technologies


Cybercrime, or computer related crime, is crime

that involves a computer and a network
Computer crime encompasses a broad range
of activities
Fraud and financial crimes
Computer fraud is any dishonest
misrepresentation of fact intended to let
another to do or refrain from doing something
which causes loss.
In this context, the fraud will result in obtaining a
benefit by:
Altering in an unauthorized way. This requires little
technical expertise and is common form of theft by
employees altering the data before entry or entering
false data, or by entering unauthorized instructions or
using unauthorized processes
Altering, destroying, suppressing, or stealing output,
usually to conceal unauthorized transactions. This is
difficult to detect
Altering or deleting stored data
Cyberterrorism in general, can be defined as an act of
terrorism committed through the use of cyberspace or computer
As such, a simple propaganda in the Internet, that there will be
bomb attacks during the holidays can be considered
There are also hacking activities directed towards individuals,
families, organized by groups within networks, tending to
cause fear among people, demonstrate power, collecting
information relevant for ruining peoples' lives, robberies,
blackmailing etc.
Cyberextortion occurs when a website, e-mail server,
or computer system is subjected to or threatened with
repeated denial of service or other attacks by malicious
These hackers demand money in return for promising
to stop the attacks and to offer "protection"
Computer as a target
These crimes are committed by a selected group of
criminals. Unlike crimes using the computer as a tool,
these crimes require the technical knowledge of the
Computer as a tool
 When the individual is the main target of cybercrime, the
computer can be considered as the tool rather than the target.
 These crimes generally involve less technical expertise. Human
weaknesses are generally exploited.
 The damage dealt is largely psychological and intangible,
making legal action against the variants more difficult.
 These are the crimes which have existed for centuries in the
offline world. Scams, theft, and the likes have existed even
before the development in high-tech equipment. The same
criminal has simply been given a tool which increases his
potential pool of victims and makes him all the harder to trace
and apprehend
Obscene or offensive content
 The content of websites and other electronic communications
may be distasteful, obscene or offensive for a variety of
Addiction to mobile phone usage

Mobile phone overuse is a dependence syndrome seen among

certain mobile phone users. Some mobile phone users exhibit
problematic behaviors related to substance use disorders. These
behaviors can include preoccupation with mobile
communication, excessive money or time spent on mobile
phones, use of mobile phones in socially or physically
inappropriate situations such as driving an automobile.
Increased use can also lead to increased time on mobile
communication, adverse effects on relationships, and anxiety if
separated from a mobile phone or sufficient signal.
Signs and Symptoms of Cell Phone Addiction
 1. Increased Levels of Stress
1a. Stress on Fingers; 1b. Stress on the Mind
1c. Stress on the Body
2. Insomnia
3. Anxiety
4. Depression
5. Aggressiveness
6. Delinquency
7. An inability to stop the use of cell phone despite knowing
you will be faced with negative consequences
8. Difficulties experienced in relating with other people
9. Craving more time with your phone
10. Neglecting spending time with your family and friends
11. Changes in the sleep patterns
12. Not taking part in healthy activities
Over-use of mobile phones can affect social and psychological
well-being and health
Social: There is an enormous impact of the mobile phone on
contemporary society from a social scientific perspective
 70% check their phones in the morning within just one hour of
getting up
 56% check their phones before going to bed
 48% check their phones over the weekend
 51% constantly check their phones during vacation
 44% reported they would feel very anxious and irritable if they
did not interact with their phones within a week
Health: There is some evidence supporting the claim that excessive
mobile phone use can cause or worsen health problems
 Digital eye strain
 Neck problems
 Increased illnesses due to germs
 Car accidents
 Male infertility

Psychological: There are concerns that some mobile phone users

incur considerable debt, and that mobile phones are being used to
violate privacy and harass others. In particular, there is increasing
evidence that mobile phones are being used as a tool by children
to bully other children
 Sleep disturbances
 Depression
 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
 Relationship problems
 Anxiety
Video Games
Positive Effects of Video Games
Improves dexterity.
Teaches computer literacy.
Build muscle through the powerful combination of
Teach multitasking by shifting variables and managing
multiple objects.
Teach quick thinking and ability to make fast decisions.
Positive Effects of Video Games
 Battle games can train players for real life situations.
 Provide opportunities for achievement.
 Allows players to have freedom and connect to other
 Teaches Accuracy, Strategy, Situational awareness,
Memory, Concentration, Reasoned judgments, Teamwork
and how to respond to challenges and frustrations.
Negative Effects of Video Games
 Games that include graphic violence, sexual themes, consumption of
illegal drugs and profanity can cause addiction and violent
 Teaches kids weapon related skills
 Causes kids to be less caring and helpful to others and their peers.
 Causes kids to become more hostile
 Causes kids to argue and fight more
 Health problems such as obesity and posture.
 Increase depression levels and levels of anxiety along with impulsive
behaviors and attention problems.
Negative Effects of Video Games
 Violent video games have more of a negative affect then TV
violence because of the repeated acts of violence.
 Intensifies the learning of bad behaviors
 Makes teens more aggressive and causes them to get into
confrontations with their teachers, engage in more fights and
have a decline in school work.
 Teach kids the wrong values such as violent behaviors.
 Confuse kids on what is reality and what is fantasy.
 Lead to aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Social Media
“Social media has changed the way people
interact. In many ways, social media has led to
positive changes in the way people
communicate and share information. However,
it has a dark side as well. Social networking can
sometimes result in negative outcomes, some
with long-term consequences.”
The Advantages
It’s not difficult to recognize that social media
has many advantages. Having the ability to
connect with people, staying in touch with
friends and family who are far away, and having
the freedom to communicate whenever and
where ever. All this could be priceless, to a
person who may be alone or unable to have
outside contact with the world.
Social Media

Although social media may have many

positive advantages, the negative effects of
social networking outweigh the positive.
The Impact of Social Media
“In an age when internet devices are always on, meeting face-to-
face is becoming increasingly rare as people choose to meet
screen-to screen…What is this new dynamic doing to normal
social interaction? How do these devices and social media
services, such as Facebook, affect the way we socialize and
communicate with each other? But, more than that, what impact
do these social networks have on their user’s mental health? ”
The Impact of Social Media Cont.
 As parents, some of us may be increasingly worried about
the negative effects that social media may have on our
 Others, may not be able to recognize the negative impact of
these effects in themselves as it slowly changes their
behavior .
 Can we prevent the inevitable in a world where social
media has become so common?
 I wasn’t surprised to learn I’m not the only one with these
concerns; but I was shocked to find that there are a lot more
negative effects from social media than I initially thought
there was.
Negative Effects of Social Media
 A false sense of  Isolation/Loneliness
 Broken relationships,
 Mental health effects infidelity and torn families

 Encourages poor  Harm to ones reputation

grammar, usage, and
spelling  Exposure to cyber
 Exposing children to
online predators  Suicide
Negative effects of Social Media Cont.

 Invasion of privacy  Decreased productivity/ Loss

of job
 Exposure to scams, identity
theft, hackers, fraud, and virus  Possibility of addiction
attacks disorder

 Time consuming  Increased risk of obesity

 Poor school performance  Increased risk of sleep

 Increased distraction
Negative Effects of Social Media Cont.
 Many would argue that some of these negative
effects are not a direct cause of social networking,
however, social media has created an increased risk
for these tendencies.
I will focus on just a few of the negative effects to
explain the impact social media has in our lives,
sometimes without us even knowing it.
A False Sense of Connection
 According to Cornell University's Steven Strogatz, “Social
media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish
between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world,
and the numerous casual relationships formed through social
media. By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on
these less meaningful relationships, our most important
connections, he fears, will weaken.”
A False Sense of Connection Cont.
We see this false sense of connection a lot more
within families and relationships.
One of the biggest enemies in many homes is -
time. Complaining that “There’s never enough
time”, has become an increasingly common
So we sit at the table or we go out; rationalizing
that “we are spending time together”. However,
there is no real connection taking place with each
other, when each person is on their own media
Mental Health Effects
 Doctor Larry Rosen over a
period of time has studied and
researched the mental health
effects of social media on
individuals. He claims; “Earlier
studies reported more negative
findings such as young adults
with a strong Facebook presence
tended towards narcism,
antisocial tendencies, and
aggression.  Overuse was
identified as causing anxiety and
depression.  Excessive use of
social media was also linked to
poorer achievement at school.”
Mental Health Effects Cont.
Social media has
become a dangerous
pass time for individuals
suffering from
depression, anxiety,
suicidal tendencies, and
other mental health
Signs of Unhealthy Social Networking
“While young people are more likely to suffer mental
health issues from social networking, anyone of any age
may be affected negatively, particularly those adults who
are prone to addictive behavior. Everyone should
understand the signs of an unhealthy social networking
situation and watch for the following signs:
Signs of Unhealthy Social Networking Cont.
 Focusing problems – easily distracted and loss of ability to
 Lack of concern about one-on-one relationships –
prioritizing social networking over face to face family and
friend relationships.
 Lessening communication skills – talking less, difficulty
articulating thoughts into words, inattentive when others are
 Unconcerned about obligations in the “real” world – more
interested in checking status updates and communicating on
the internet than participating in activities off of the computer.
 Withdrawal symptoms (agitation, fidgeting, aggressiveness,
etc) when unable to participate in social networking for a
period of time.”
Being a part of the social media revolution requires
personal education and responsibility of the hazards.

Parents should become familiar with the warning signs

of the negative impacts to their children.
Addiction Disorder
Facebook Addiction Disorder — “When people are
afraid to disconnect from social media services
because they think they’re going to be missing
something important. The disorder, which is not a
clinical diagnosis and is not yet recognized by the
broader medical community, is attracting attention. In
a paper that will soon be published in the journal
Psychological Science, a team of researchers from
Chicago University’s Booth Business School, led by
Wilhelm Hofmann, has found that Facebook and social
media websites may be as addictive as alcohol or
 In a study from the
University of Maryland,
students were asked to go
without social media for 24
hours. The study showed
students had withdrawal
symptoms, “ such as anxiety,
misery, and being jittery.”

 These symptoms are also

common in people
recovering from drug and
alcohol addiction.
Some negative effects of digital gadgets
1. Reduced learning
Many students are dependent on
getting information off sites like

This has reduced their focus on

learning and retaining
information since they are reliant
on the accessibility of information
on social media.
2. Addiction and Distraction
Many students have become addicted to these sites and
digital gadgets and this results into many distractions
while they are trying to study or prepare for a test.
This has a negative impact on their academic
They start getting low grades in school due to the lack
of studying and reduction in writing skills.

There is no evidence that this is actually

happening on average.
3. Poor grammar
Many students writing skills have
been affected.

Rather than improving in their

writing, they are doing worse in
their spelling, grammar and
communication skills due to the
use of jargon and logo’s.
Unclear if this is bad; what is important is communication and understanding.
However, student’s ability to make a coherent, evidenced based argument is way
down. No most writing is based on anecdotal evidence. This is a real problem.
4. Dependency on spell check features
Digital technologies and social sites both have
spell check and this reduces several students’
ability to write without relying on a spell check

Much evidence for this.

Final Remarks
Considering the negative effects of social media, ask
yourself these questions again;
1. WHAT is this new dynamic doing to normal
social interaction?
2. What impact do these social networks have on
their user’s mental health?
 As we embrace this new social media revolution we should
be mindful of the negative effects and hazards that come
along with it.

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