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Cloud Computing

-the new Era

- by

Mohd Tareque Khan

TY I.T.(705069)

o History
o The hierarchy of computing / Timeline
o What is Cloud Computing?
o Types of Clouds
o Storage architecture in Clouds
o Services
o Pros and Cons
Literature Review
• History : Wikipedia
• Iaas, Paas and Saas : E-Government Based on Cloud Computing
and Service-Oriented Architecture
• Storage Architecture : An Oracle White Paper in Enterprise

• Types of Clouds : Ross Coney

History !!!
• Evolved over a period of time

• Roots traced back to Application Service Providers in the 1990’s

• Parallels to SaaS

• Evolved from Utility computing and is a broader concept

What is Cloud Computing?
• It is Internet-based(“Cloud”) development and use of computer technology

• It is one of next industry

buzz words.

• It joins the ranks of terms

including: grid computing,
utility computing,
virtualization, clustering,

• In this dynamically scalable & often virtualized resources are provided as a

service over the Internet.
The Hype

Cluster Computing
Cloud Computing
Grid Computing 
Who said what ?
• “a cloud is a pool of virtualized resources that can host a variety
of different workloads, allow workloads to be deployed and
scaled-out quickly, q y, allocate resources when needed, and support
-Greg Boss et al.,

• “…computation may someday

be organized as a public utility …”
- John McCarthy,
Expand your Infrastructure!
Buy new servers, increase
your software costs, provision
more datacenter capacity!!
Look to the cloud!
Pay for the bandwidth and
server resources that you
need. When your push is
done then turn the whole
thing off!
What is Cloud?
Individuals Corporations Non-Commercial Others

Cloud Middle Ware

Storage OS Network Service(apps) SLA(monitor),

Provisioning Provisioning Provisioning Provisioning Security, Billing,

Services Storage Network OS
Types of Clouds
Private Cloud Public Cloud Hybrid Cloud
Public Cloud
• Open for use by general public

• Exist beyond firewall, fully hosted and managed by the vendor

• Individuals, corporations and others
• Amazon's Web Services and Google app Engine are examples

• Offers startups and quick setup, scalability, flexibility and

automated management. Pay as you go model helps
startups to start small and go big
Public Cloud…(contd.)
• Large scale infrastructure available on a rental basis

• Operating System virtualization (e.g. Xen, kvm) provides CPU isolation

• “Roll-your-own” network provisioning provides network isolation

• Fully customer self-service

• Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are advertized

• Requests are accepted and resources granted via web services
• Customers access resources remotely via the Internet

• Accountability is e-commerce based

• Web-based transaction
• “Pay-as-you-go” and flat-rate subscription
• Customer service, refunds, etc.
Private Cloud
• Within the boundaries(firewall) of the organization
• All advantages of public cloud with one major difference

• Reduce operation costs

• Has to be managed by the enterprise

• Fine grained control over resources

• More secure as they are internal to org
• Schedule and reshuffle resources based on business demands
• Ideal for apps related to tight security and regulatory concerns
• Development requires hardware investments and in-house
• Cost could be prohibitive and cost might exceed public clouds
Hybrid Cloud
• Combines features of both private and
public cloud.
• It just like having a account on remote pc.
• Privacy of data is retained.
Cloud computing - Characteristics
• Agility – On demand computing infrastructure
o Linearly scalable – challenge
• Reliability and fault tolerance
o Self healing – Hot backups, etc
o SLA driven – Policies on how quickly requests are processed
• Multi-tenancy – Several customers share infrastructure, without compromising
privacy and security of each of the customer’s data
• Service-oriented – compose applications out of loosely coupled services. One
service failure will not disrupt other services. Expose these services as API’s
• Virtualized – decoupled from underlying hardware. Multiple applications can run in
one computer
• Data, Data, Data
o Distributing, partitioning, security, and synchronization
Storage Architecture
Software as a Service

Platform as a Service

Infrastructure as a Service
Software as a Service
SaaS Software delivery model

• Definition
Software deployed as a hosted
service and accessed over the Internet
• Features
• Open, Flexible
• Easy to Use
• Easy to Upgrade
• Easy to Deploy
• Pay per use
• Instant Scalability
• Security
• Reliability
• APIs

• Financial Planning
• Human Resources
• Word processing

Commercial Services:
• emailcloud
Platform as a Service
Platform delivery model
• Definition
• Platform providing all the facilities necessary to
PaaS support the complete process of building and
delivering web applications and services, all
available over the Internet
• Entirely virtualized platform that includes one or
more servers, operating systems and specific
Popular services

• Storage
PaaS • Database
• Scalability

• Pay per use

PaaS • Instant Scalability
• Security
• Reliability
• APIs

• Google App Engine

PaaS • Mosso
• AWS: S3
Infrastructure as a Service
Computer Infrastructure
delivery model

• Definition
Provision model in which an organization
outsources the equipment used to support
operations, including storage, hardware, servers and
networking components.

• Infrastructure as a Service is sometimes referred

to as Hardware as a Service (HaaS).
• The service provider owns the equipment and is
responsible for housing, running and maintaining
IaaS it.
• The client typically pays on a per-use basis

• Pay per use

• Instant Scalability
• Security
• Reliability
• APIs

• Flexiscale
• AWS: EC2(Amazon Web

Software as a Service

Platform as a Service

Infrastructure as a Service
Common Factors
• Pay per use
PaaS • Instant Scalability
• Security
• Reliability
• APIs
More Examples
• Your current CRM(Customer Relationship
Management) package is not managing
the load or you simply don’t want to host it
in-house... use a SaaS provider such as

• Your email is hosted on an exchange

server in your office and it is very slow…
outsource this using Hosted Exchange.
• You need to host a large file (5Mb) on your
website and make it available for 35,000
users for only two months duration. Use
Cloud Front from Amazon.

PaaS • You want to start storage services on your

network for a large number of files and you
do not have the storage capacity…use
Amazon S3.
• You want to run a batch job but you don’t
have the infrastructure necessary to run it
in a timely manner. Use Amazon EC2.

• You want to host a website, but only for a

few days. Use Flexiscale.


PaaS • Lower cost of ownership

• Reduce infrastructure
management responsibility
• Allow for unexpected resource
IaaS loads
• Faster application rollout
o Leavitt, N. Is Cloud Computing Really Ready for Prime
Time?, IEEE-2009
o Grossman, R. L. The case of cloud computing, IEEE-
o A. Weiss. Computing in the Clouds. netWorker, 11(4):
16-25, December 2007
o IEEE Technical Committee on Service Computing
o An Oracle White Paper in Enterprise Architecture
Questions ???

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