Field Extension

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Field Extension


In mathematics, particularly in algebra, a field extension is a pair of 

fields        such that the operations of E are those of F restricted

 to E. In this case, F is an extension field of E and E is
a subfield of F. For example, under the usual notions of addition and 
multiplication, the complex numbers are an extension field of the 
real numbers; the real numbers are a subfield of the complex numbers.
Field extensions are fundamental in algebraic number theory, and in the
study of polynomial roots through Galois theory, and are widely used in 
algebraic geometry.

• If F is a subfield of a field E then e is called an extension field of f or simply an extension
of f we denote this extension as
• E

• F
• Example since R is subfield of C hence C is extension on field of R
• C R

• R Q
Theorem 1 (Kronecker). if F is a field and f(x) ∈ F[x] is a nonconstant
polynomial, then there exist an extension field E of F and an α ∈ E with
f(α) = 0.
• Proof. If the degree of f is 1, then f(x) is linear and we can choose E =
F. If the degree of f is greater than 1, write f(x) = p(x)g(x), where p(x) is
irreducible. The quotient ring E = F[x]/⟨p(x)⟩ is a field. The natural map
ϕ(a): F → E defined by ϕ(a) = a+⟨p(x)⟩, is an isomorphism from F to
the subfield F ′ = {a+⟨p(x)⟩: a ∈ F } of E.
Degree of an Extension
Let E be an extension field of a field F. We say that E has degree n
over F and write [E:F] = n if E has dimension n as a vector space
over F. If [E:F] is finite, E is called a finite extension of F; otherwise,
we say that E is an infinite extension of F.
1 -The complex numbers are a field extension over the real number with
degree [C:R] = 2, and when we take over rational numbers it is infinite
 2 – degree of extension of [Q(√2, √3):Q(√2)] = 2.
Splitting Field

Let E be an extension field of F and let f (x) [ F[x]. We say that f (x) splits in E if f (x)
can be factored as a product of linear factors in E[x]. We call E a splitting field for f (x)
over F if f (x) splits in E but in no proper subfield of E.
EXAMPLE Consider the polynomial f (x) = + 1 € Q[x]. Since , + 1= ) , we see that f(x) splits in C, but a splitting field
over Q is Q(i) = {r + si | r, s € Q}. A splitting field for +1 over R is C. Likewise, € Q[x] splits in R, but a splitting field over
Q is Q() = {r+ s ) | r, s Q}.

Let E be the extension field of F and let f (x) € F[x] with the degree at least 1. we say that f (x)
splits in E if there are elements a € F. and a1,a2,a3….an €E such that f (x) =a(x - a1)(x - a2)
…. (x - an)
We call E a splitting field for f (x) over F if E=F(a1,a2,
Let F be a field and let f(x) be a nonconstant element of F[x]. Then there
exists a splitting field E for f (x) over F.
Proff : We proceed by induction on deg f (x). If deg f (x) = 1, then f (x) is linear.
Now suppose that the statement is true for all fields and all polynomials of
degree less than that of f (x). Theorem , there is an extension E of F in which
f(x) has a zero, say, a1. Then we may write f (x) = (x - a1)g(x), where g(x)
belongs to E[x]. Since deg g(x) < deg f (x), by induction, there is a field K that
contains E and all the zeros of g(x), say, a2, . . . , an. Clearly, then, a splitting
field for f (x) over F is F(a1, a2, . . . , an).
  THEOREM Let F be a field and let p(x) [ F[x] be irreducible over F. If a is a zero of p(x) in some extension E of F, then
F is isomorphic to F[x] / p(x). Furthermore, if deg p(x)5n, then every member of F(a) can be uniquely expressed in the
Cn-1a cn-2an22 1 ? ? ? 1 c1a + c0, where c0, c1, . . . , cn-1 € F.
Proof Consider the function from F[x] to F(a) given by f( f (x)) = f (a). Clearly, f is a ring
homomorphism. We claim that
Ker <p(x)>. Since p(a) = 0, we have <p(x)>. On the other hand , we know by Theorem that
<p(x)> is a
maximal ideal in F[x]. So, because Ker F[x] [it does not contain
the constant polynomial f (x) = 1], we have Ker = <p(x)>. At this
point it follows from the First Isomorphism Theorem for Rings and its
Corollary that (F[x]) is a subfield of F(a). Noting
that (F[x]) contains both F and a and recalling that F(a) is the smallest
such field, we have F[x]/<p(x)> (F[x]) = F(a). The final assertion of the theorem follows
from the fact that every
element of F[x]/<p(x)> can be expressed uniquely in the form Cn-1x(n-1)+…..+ p(x), where
c0, . . . , Cn-1 F and the
natural isomorphism from F[x]/p(x) to F(a) carries ckx(k)+< p(x)> to cka(k)
THEOREM [K:F] = [K:E][E:F].
Let K be a finite extension field of the field E and let E be a finite extension field of the field F. Then K is a finite extension
field of F and [K:F] 5 [K:E][E:F].
Algebraic Extension

Let E be an extension field of field F and let ‘a’ belongs to E we call ‘a’ algebraic over F if ‘a’ is the
zero of some non zero polynomial in f(x) . For example, √2  is algebraic over the rational numbers,
because it is a root of  x^​2-​2
An Extension E of F is called an algebraic extension of F if every element of E is algebraic over F

Ex C over R is algebraic extension

If an element x of E is algebraic over F, the monic polynomial of lowest degree that

has x as a root is called the minimal polynomial of x. This minimal polynomial is irreducible
 over F.
An element s of E is algebraic over F, if and only if the simple extension F(s) /F is a finite
extension. In this case the degree of the extension equals the degree of the minimal
polynomial, and a basis of the F-vector space  F(s) consists of {1,s,s(square),s(cube),,,,,
s(raised to d-1)} where d is the degree of the minimal polynomial.
Normal Extension And Galois Extension

• An algebraic extension E/F is called normal if every 

irreducible polynomial in F[X] that has a root in E completely
factors into linear factors over E.
• C over R is a normal extension but R over Q is not normal
• Given any field extension E/F, we can consider
its automorphism group Aut(E/F), consisting of all field 
automorphisms α: F→ F with α(x) = x for all x in F. When the
extension is Galois this automorphism group is called the 
Galois group of the extension. Extensions whose Galois group
is abelian are called abelian extensions.
1 Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Joseph A. Gallian

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