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1. Intellectual education
2. Moral education
3. Esthetical education
4. Physical education
5. Professional education
6. “New educations” (ecological, financial,
religious, technological, nutritional, sexual,
intercultural etc.)
a) Conceptual approaches
b) The main goal of moral education
c) The content of moral education
d) Specific tasks for moral education
e) The principles of moral education
f) Specific methods for moral education
a) Conceptual approaches

 Ethics - social phenomenon which summarizes

the relationships established between people
in a context delimited in space and time
 Morality – the reflection on the individual
consciousness of the content of social ethics
b) The main goal of moral education
 the development of an individual as a moral
subject, who thinks and acts in accordance
with the moral values of the society among
he lives

The moral profile of an individual is

continuously changing throughout life, is a
construction that fulfills itself forever
c) The content of moral education

The moral ideal

Image of moral perfection, a prospective model of personality

The moral values

General requirements for behavior, with bipolar character: good-evil, courage-
cowardice, diligence - laziness, selfishness – altruism etc.

Moral norms and regulations

Practical behavioral requirements, specific prohibitions and permissions in
different situations: greeting, respect the given word, offering help others,
compliance with the regulations etc.
d) Specific tasks for moral education
 Forming the moral consciousness of individuals:
› Moral knowledge:
Moral representations
Moral concepts
Moral judgments
› Moral feelings
› Moral beliefs
 Forming the moral behaviour of individuals:
› Moral habits
› Positive character traits
e) The principles of moral education (1)

 Ensuring the activation of participants (involving

individuals in practical activities and using fewer
verbal exposures);

 Using the social framework offered by the team;

e) The principles of moral education (2)
 Combining the exigency
with the respect for

 Encouraging the positive

elements of the
personality to remove
the negative elements;
e) The principles of moral education (3)
 Compliance with age and personal peculiarities
of the person;

 Continuity, consistency, perseverance, unity of

educative factors (family, school, institutions)
f) Specific methods for moral education

 Moral explanation
 Moral dialog
 Moral example
 Moral exercise
 Approval / Desaproval
 Moral stories
a) Conceptual approaches
b) The main goal of moral education
c) The content of moral education
d) Specific tasks for moral education
e) The principles of moral education
f) Specific methods for moral education

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